Kuri is a Dead-Letter Queue-as-a-Service for Amazon Web Services (AWS)-Based Microservices Architectures. It provides the user with the ability to edit, redrive and delete messages from their Dead-Letter Queue (DLQ). Kuri creates an AWS infrastructure to construct a DLQ with increased functionality and observability for the user. Kuri can be used when building a brand new project or added on to an existing project that uses a message queue.
- Install the AWS Command Line Interface -- must be up-to-date and configured.
To install the AWS CLI, see instructions: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/getting-started-install.html.
To configure the AWS credentials, see below:
$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [****************UUPR]: <enter access key id>
AWS Secret Key ID [****************UUPR]: <enter secret key id>
Region: <enter aws region>
- Install NodeJS version 12 or greater -- see the NodeJS documentation for instructions: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
To install Kuri, run the following command globally:
$ npm install kuri -g
To view the Kuri help commands, run the kuri
$ kuri
Usage: kuri <command>
Welcome to Kuri DLQ-as-a-Service! See the commands below or the documentation at https://kuri-dlq.github.io/
deploy -- Deploy Kuri Infrastructure
view -- View Kuri Dashboard
To deploy the Kuri DLQ service, run the kuri deploy
command and you will be prompted with the following initializing questions.
Choose a starting template
-- you can either choose for Kuri to create a "Main Queue and DLQ" for a brand new project or if you want to add Kuri to an existing project that already has a main queue, select the "DLQ Only" option. If you choose "DLQ Only", you will be prompted to provide your existing main queue url.What is your AWS region?
-- provide your AWS Region. This needs to be the same region that your project is deployed in and your AWS CLI is configured to.Would you like to see notifications from Kuri in Slack?
-- if you choose to receive a Slack notification when a message appears in your Kuri DLQ, provide your Slack API Webhook Path. For more details see: https://api.slack.com/apps
$ kuri deploy
? Choose a starting template Main Queue and DLQ
? What is your AWS region? us-east-1
? Would you like to see notifications from Kuri in Slack? Yes
? What is your slack path? (hooks.slack.com</your-slack-path>) /example_slack_path
? You entered:
STACK="Main Queue and DLQ"
Please confirm these selections (y/n) Yes
✔ Creating IAM Role...
✔ Creating Main Queue...
✔ Creating DLQ...
✔ Joining Main Queue and DLQ...
✔ Creating SNS Topic...
✔ Creating Dynamo Table...
✔ Creating S3 Bucket...
✔ Replacing env variables...
✔ Creating Zip Files...
✔ Pushing Lambda Handlers to S3 Bucket...
✔ Creating all Lambdas...
✔ Setting Event Source Mapping for publishing to SNS...
✔ Subscribing Lambdas to SNS...
✔ Adding permissions for SNS...
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Once the Kuri DLQ has been deployed, you can run kuri view
to launch the Kuri Dashboard. Once run, the dashboard should pop open within a minute. Note: sometimes launching the dashboard can take up to a few minutes.
$ kuri view
💻 Kuri Dashboard is starting...
❎ Press "ctrl + c" to close the dashboard