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How to use

KurwaClown edited this page Jun 1, 2023 · 5 revisions
  1. Control Panel
  2. Activating features
  3. Setting your champion picks or bans preferences
  4. Setting your preferences

Control Panel

The bottom part of the application is the control panel, it's used to display information and activate features. Ther is 3 part in this panel : the left one contains clickable buttons which allows for direct actions when they are pressed; the middle one is where you toggle the features on and off; and the right one is the status of your client.

The status part is used to display information about the client that are detected and/or modified. Mainly the current player situation(in lobby or in-game), the active rune page and the current champion. It allows you to know if the information used by the application are the same as the client one. The status border color allows you to determine if the game client is detected (green means its detected and red the opposite). If the client does not get detected when it's opened refer to the troubleshooting page.

Activating features

Activating the features is fairly simple! You just have to check the boxes in the control panel of what you want to toggle on or off and KALUS will handle the rest for you according to your preferences. You can toggle them at any moment the application will handle it, even if the client is close or you're in the middle of a champion select.

Setting your champion picks or bans preferences

If you want KALUS to pick or ban champions for you, follow these steps :

  • Select the Characters Tab at the top
    • It should selected by default when you open the application
  • Select a game mode from the box in the middle
    • If the game mode requires it, select the position and/or the type of selection (pick or ban)
  • Create your selection of champions you want
    • Select a champion from the left list and press the Add button to add it to your selection
    • Select a champion from the right list and press the Remove button to remove it to your selection
    • Order the list with the up and down arrow below your selection, the top most champion gets picked first
    • You can empty the list by clicking the Empty list button
  • You're all set !
    • Don't forget to toggle on Pick Champion, Ban Champion or Aram Swap features according to your needs

Setting your preferences

You can get the different features to work in specific ways by modifying your preferences. You simply have to select the Preferences Tab at the top and then choose which preference you want.

You can read more about each preference from the references page