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Updated test message and added goal rejected and cancel rejected test…
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(cherry picked from commit 0a4a619)
StefanFabian committed Oct 25, 2024
1 parent 39a3792 commit d466ba4
Showing 2 changed files with 54 additions and 18 deletions.
66 changes: 51 additions & 15 deletions ros_babel_fish/test/action_client.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -65,32 +65,36 @@ TEST( ActionClientTest, actionClient )
using Action = ros_babel_fish_test_msgs::action::SimpleTest;
rclcpp_action::Server<Action>::SharedPtr server = rclcpp_action::create_server<Action>(
node, "ros_babel_fish_client_test_server",
[]( const rclcpp_action::GoalUUID &, const std::shared_ptr<const Action::Goal> & ) {
[]( const rclcpp_action::GoalUUID &, const std::shared_ptr<const Action::Goal> &goal ) {
if ( goal->target == 13 ) // 13 is rejected
return rclcpp_action::GoalResponse::REJECT;
return rclcpp_action::GoalResponse::ACCEPT_AND_EXECUTE;
[]( const std::shared_ptr<rclcpp_action::ServerGoalHandle<Action>> & ) {
[]( const std::shared_ptr<rclcpp_action::ServerGoalHandle<Action>> &handle ) {
if ( handle->get_goal()->target == 7 ) // 7 can't be canceled
return rclcpp_action::CancelResponse::REJECT;
return rclcpp_action::CancelResponse::ACCEPT;
[]( const std::shared_ptr<rclcpp_action::ServerGoalHandle<Action>> &handle ) {
std::thread t( [handle]() {
auto result = std::make_shared<Action::Result>();
for ( int i = 0; i < handle->get_goal()->goal; ++i ) {
if ( i >= 10 && i >= handle->get_goal()->goal / 2 ) {
result->result = i;
for ( int i = 0; i < handle->get_goal()->target; ++i ) {
if ( i >= 10 && i >= handle->get_goal()->target / 2 ) {
result->final_value = i;
handle->abort( result );
std::this_thread::sleep_for( 50ms );
auto feedback = std::make_shared<Action::Feedback>();
feedback->feedback = i;
feedback->current_value = i;
handle->publish_feedback( feedback );
if ( handle->is_canceling() ) {
result->result = i;
result->final_value = i;
handle->canceled( result );
result->result = handle->get_goal()->goal;
result->final_value = handle->get_goal()->target;
handle->succeed( result );
} );
@@ -104,36 +108,38 @@ TEST( ActionClientTest, actionClient )

// This goal should succeed
auto goal = client->create_goal();
goal["goal"] = 2;
goal["target"] = 2;
auto gh_future = client->async_send_goal( goal );
ASSERT_EQ( gh_future.wait_for( 30s ), std::future_status::ready );
auto goal_handle = gh_future.get();
ASSERT_NE( goal_handle, nullptr );
ASSERT_EQ( goal_handle->get_status(), action_msgs::msg::GoalStatus::STATUS_ACCEPTED );
auto result = client->async_get_result( goal_handle );
ASSERT_EQ( result.wait_for( 3s ), std::future_status::ready );
ASSERT_EQ( goal_handle->get_status(), action_msgs::msg::GoalStatus::STATUS_SUCCEEDED );
auto result_msg = result.get();
EXPECT_EQ( ( *result_msg.result )["result"].value<int32_t>(), 2 );
EXPECT_EQ( ( *result_msg.result )["final_value"].value<int32_t>(), 2 );

// This goal should abort after 10
goal = client->create_goal();
goal["goal"] = 20;
goal["target"] = 20;
std::vector<int> feedback_values;
gh_future = client->async_send_goal(
goal, { {},
[&feedback_values]( const BabelFishActionClient::GoalHandle::SharedPtr &,
const CompoundMessage::ConstSharedPtr &feedback ) {
feedback_values.push_back( ( *feedback )["feedback"].value<int32_t>() );
feedback_values.push_back( ( *feedback )["current_value"].value<int32_t>() );
{} } );
ASSERT_EQ( gh_future.wait_for( 3s ), std::future_status::ready );
goal_handle = gh_future.get();
ASSERT_NE( goal_handle, nullptr );
ASSERT_EQ( goal_handle->get_status(), action_msgs::msg::GoalStatus::STATUS_ACCEPTED );
result = client->async_get_result( goal_handle );
ASSERT_EQ( result.wait_for( 10s ), std::future_status::ready );
ASSERT_EQ( goal_handle->get_status(), action_msgs::msg::GoalStatus::STATUS_ABORTED );
result_msg = result.get();
EXPECT_EQ( ( *result_msg.result )["result"].value<int32_t>(), 10 );
EXPECT_EQ( ( *result_msg.result )["final_value"].value<int32_t>(), 10 );

ASSERT_EQ( feedback_values.size(), 10U );
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
@@ -143,19 +149,49 @@ TEST( ActionClientTest, actionClient )

// This goal should be preempted
goal = client->create_goal();
goal["goal"] = 200;
goal["target"] = 200;
gh_future = client->async_send_goal( goal );
ASSERT_EQ( gh_future.wait_for( 3s ), std::future_status::ready );
goal_handle = gh_future.get();
ASSERT_NE( goal_handle, nullptr );
std::this_thread::sleep_for( 200ms );
auto cancel_response_future = client->async_cancel_goal( goal_handle );
ASSERT_EQ( cancel_response_future.wait_for( 1s ), std::future_status::ready )
<< "ActionServer did not cancel in 1 second!";
auto cancel_response = cancel_response_future.get();
ASSERT_EQ( cancel_response["return_code"].value<int8_t>(),
action_msgs::srv::CancelGoal::Response::ERROR_NONE );
result = client->async_get_result( goal_handle );
ASSERT_EQ( result.wait_for( 10s ), std::future_status::ready );
EXPECT_EQ( goal_handle->get_status(), action_msgs::msg::GoalStatus::STATUS_CANCELED );
result_msg = result.get();
EXPECT_LT( ( *result_msg.result )["result"].value<int32_t>(), 200 );
EXPECT_LT( ( *result_msg.result )["final_value"].value<int32_t>(), 200 );

// 13 should be rejected
goal = client->create_goal();
goal["target"] = 13;
gh_future = client->async_send_goal( goal );
ASSERT_EQ( gh_future.wait_for( 3s ), std::future_status::ready );
goal_handle = gh_future.get();
ASSERT_EQ( goal_handle, nullptr );

// 7 can't be canceled
goal = client->create_goal();
goal["target"] = 7;
gh_future = client->async_send_goal( goal );
ASSERT_EQ( gh_future.wait_for( 3s ), std::future_status::ready );
goal_handle = gh_future.get();
ASSERT_NE( goal_handle, nullptr );
ASSERT_EQ( goal_handle->get_status(), action_msgs::msg::GoalStatus::STATUS_ACCEPTED );
std::this_thread::sleep_for( 50ms );
cancel_response_future = client->async_cancel_goal( goal_handle );
ASSERT_EQ( cancel_response_future.wait_for( 1s ), std::future_status::ready )
<< "ActionServer did not cancel in 1 second!";
cancel_response = cancel_response_future.get();
ASSERT_EQ( cancel_response["return_code"].value<int8_t>(),
action_msgs::srv::CancelGoal::Response::ERROR_REJECTED );
result = client->async_get_result( goal_handle );
ASSERT_EQ( result.wait_for( 10s ), std::future_status::ready );

int main( int argc, char **argv )
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions ros_babel_fish_test_msgs/action/SimpleTest.action
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# goal
int32 goal
int32 target
# result
int32 result
int32 final_value
# feedback
int32 feedback
int32 current_value

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