Hello world! Welcome to the Nodit Aptos Tutorials!
Nodit Aptos Tutorials are structured as follows:
- Creating an Account
- Sending APT Coin
- Deploying a Module
- Interacting with the Module
- Upgrading the Module
- Issuing a Fungible Asset
- Webhook Example
By going through these steps, you will understand and conveniently use the Aptos blockchain. Learn Aptos with Nodit and create your Aptos Dapp using the Aptos Node and Indexer provided by Nodit!
The Nodit Aptos tutorial uses various libraries, including the Aptos TypeScript SDK, Aptos Faucet Client, and Aptos CLI. The required environment setup for this tutorial is as follows.
You can sign up for Nodit by clicking the link below. You can create a new account or sign up for Nodit using an existing Google account.
To ensure a smooth tutorial experience, you need to install the following programs.
Install Node.js
Node.js is a runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript code, which is necessary for executing TypeScript code.
You can verify the installation of Node.js by entering the following command in the terminal:
$ node -v
Install Packages
Once Node.js is installed, you need to install the packages required to run TypeScript. You can proceed with the installation using Node.js by entering the following commands in the terminal:
$ npm init
$ npm install ts-node typescript
$ tsc --init
Install Aptos TypeScript SDK
Install the TypeScript SDK provided by the Aptos Foundation using Node.js. The TypeScript SDK allows you to conveniently use Aptos, such as creating an Aptos account and executing transactions. You can install it by entering the following command in the terminal:
$ npm install @aptos-labs/ts-sdk
Install Aptos CLI
Aptos provides various methods for installing the CLI tailored to different operating environments. Click the link below to install the Aptos CLI for your operating system.
Once the installation is complete, you can verify it by entering the following command in the terminal to view the help documentation.
$ aptos --help
Command Line Interface (CLI) for developing and interacting with the Aptos blockchain
Usage: aptos <COMMAND>
account Tool for interacting with accounts
config Tool for interacting with configuration of the Aptos CLI tool
genesis Tool for setting up an Aptos chain Genesis transaction
governance Tool for on-chain governance
info Show build information about the CLI
init Tool to initialize current directory for the aptos tool
key Tool for generating, inspecting, and interacting with keys
move Tool for Move related operations
multisig Tool for interacting with multisig accounts
node Tool for operations related to nodes
stake Tool for manipulating stake and stake pools
update Update the CLI or other tools it depends on
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
Set up your .env To simplify the tutorial execution, several variables have been declared in the .env file located in the root directory. Assign appropriate values to each field and proceed with the tutorial easily.
Please refer to the link below for the full document related to the tutorial.