This application allows the user to type in items that they want to add to their to-do list and create a list of those items. Each item can be checked off/crossed out and remain in the to-do list. Once the user is completly done with an item they can move that item to the completed list by clicking that item button. Completed items are then moved to the completed list.
Clone the repository and open index.html in the browser... at least that is what I think you are supposed to do?
First think of something that you need to do. Then before you forget what it was quickly type it into the add To-Do item box. Now your task will be stored in the Your To-Do Items. At this point you can check the box when you have made progress or completed the task. This will cross the item out but leave it on the list for know. If you know that you are compleatly done with the task you can click the X
Once the X
button is used that item is moved to the Completed To-Do Items
box and can't be undone at this time.
I haven't figured out how to use local storage yet so if you refresh the page everything will be reset.