is a powerful and flexible Entity-Component-System (ECS) framework for Dart applications. This README provides a basic example to help you get started with the Dentity
This example demonstrates how to use Dentity
to create a simple ECS world where entities have Position
and Velocity
components, and a MovementSystem
updates their positions based on their velocities.
Add the following to your pubspec.yaml
dentity: ^1.0.0
Then, run the following command to install the package:
dart pub get
Components are the data containers that represent different aspects of an entity. In this example, we define Position
and Velocity
class Position extends Component {
double x;
double y;
Position(this.x, this.y);
Position clone() => Position(x, y);
int compareTo(other) {
if (other is Position) {
return x.compareTo(other.x) + y.compareTo(other.y);
return -1;
class Velocity extends Component {
double x;
double y;
Velocity(this.x, this.y);
Velocity clone() => Velocity(x, y);
int compareTo(other) {
if (other is Velocity) {
return x.compareTo(other.x) + y.compareTo(other.y);
return -1;
To enable serialization of components, you need to define serializers for each component type.
class PositionJsonSerializer extends ComponentSerializer<Position> {
static const type = 'Position';
ComponentRepresentation? serialize(Position component) {
return {
'x': component.x,
'y': component.y,
EntitySerialiserJson.typeField: type,
Position deserialize(ComponentRepresentation data) {
final positionData = data as Map<String, dynamic>;
return Position(positionData['x'] as double, positionData['y'] as double);
class VelocityJsonSerializer extends ComponentSerializer<Velocity> {
static const type = 'Velocity';
ComponentRepresentation? serialize(Velocity component) {
return {
'x': component.x,
'y': component.y,
EntitySerialiserJson.typeField: type,
Velocity deserialize(ComponentRepresentation data) {
final velocityData = data as Map<String, dynamic>;
return Velocity(velocityData['x'] as double, velocityData['y'] as double);
Systems contain the logic that operates on entities with specific components. The MovementSystem
updates the Position
of entities based on their Velocity
class MovementSystem extends EntitySystem {
Set<Type> get filterTypes => const {Position, Velocity};
void processEntity(Entity entity, Map<Type, SparseList<Component>> componentLists, Duration delta) {
final position = componentLists[Position]?[entity] as Position;
final velocity = componentLists[Velocity]?[entity] as Velocity;
position.x += velocity.x;
position.y += velocity.y;
The World
class ties everything together. It manages entities, components, and systems.
World createBasicExampleWorld() {
final componentManager = ComponentManager(
archetypeManagerFactory: (types) => ArchetypeManagerBigInt(types),
componentArrayFactories: {
Position: () => ContiguousSparseList<Position>(),
Velocity: () => ContiguousSparseList<Velocity>(),
OtherComponent: () => ContiguousSparseList<OtherComponent>(),
final entityManager = EntityManager(componentManager);
final movementSystem = MovementSystem();
return World(
Here’s how you can use the above setup:
void main() {
final world = createBasicExampleWorld();
// Create an entity with Position and Velocity components
final entity = world.createEntity({
Position(0, 0),
Velocity(1, 1),
// Run the system to update positions based on velocity
// Check the updated position
final position = world.componentManager.getComponent<Position>(entity);
print('Updated position: (\${position?.x}, \${position?.y})'); // Should output (1, 1)
To serialize and deserialize entities:
void main() {
final world = createBasicExampleWorld();
// Create an entity
final entity = world.createEntity({
Position(0, 0),
Velocity(1, 1),
// Set up serializers
final entitySerialiser = EntitySerialiserJson(
Position: PositionJsonSerializer(),
Velocity: VelocityJsonSerializer(),
// Serialize the entity
final serialized = entitySerialiser.serializeEntityComponents(entity, [
Position(0, 0),
Velocity(1, 1),
// Deserialize the entity
final deserializedEntity = entitySerialiser.deserializeEntity(serialized);
final deserializedPosition = world.componentManager.getComponent<Position>(deserializedEntity);
print('Deserialized position: (\${deserializedPosition?.x}, \${deserializedPosition?.y})');
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit issues, fork the repository, and create pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
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