released this
03 Dec 12:41
172 commits
to develop
since this release
1.31.0-beta.8 (2024-12-03)
- check diff before commit changes (4e5d2d3)
- copy swagger.josn and check diff (1cd0658)
- generate swagger on midaz (3678070)
- test by specific branch (a0f7af3)
- update git pages (1c6f8cc)
- update pages with each json swagger (b4d8563)
- update swagger to teste commit (b6aa4bf)
- valida if has changes (ac7cbdb)
Bug Fixes
- adjust path 🐛 (41ec839)
- adjust to remove .git 🐛 (02e65af)
- change env local 🐛 (e07b26e)
- change to gh again 🐛 (4a3449b)
- check my place 🐛 (4b963bd)
- final adjusts 🐛 (fafa647)
- git actions swaggo 🐛 (246dd51)
- git clone 🐛 (7cc209a)
- remove workoing-directory 🐛 (b03b547)
- return to root 🐛 (50b03d0)
- set token url remote 🐛 (acf4227)
- swag --version 🐛 (bd0ab17)
- swaggo install 🐛 (718c42e)
- test 🐛 (7bf82f7)
- test 🐛 (b2e88f8)
- test 🐛 (ca48838)
- test 🐛 (481f4a8)
- test 🐛 (f2889a2)
- test 🐛 (c3b3313)
- test 🐛 (e51d1fd)
- test 🐛 (cee71cb)
- test 🐛 (dc865b1)
- test 🐛 (a3fb8f0)
- test if make is installed 🐛 (81f3a1c)
- update 🐛 (7e88db0)
- update 🐛 (ff843ac)
- update 🐛 (a98be20)
- update 🐛 (1012a51)
- update 🐛 (8886a73)
- update 🐛 (033a237)
- update 🐛 (b446031)
- update 🐛 (b320e46)
- update 🐛 (848cc1b)
- update folders paths 🐛 (18f872b)
- update make 🐛 (78effdc)
- update place 🐛 (8d5501a)
- update to new approach 🐛 (bf6303d)
- using make file to generate swagger file 🐛 (9c9d545)