Collection of scripts to help working with Unreal Engine.
This script is useful for large UE5 projects that use the MassEntity framework, such as City Sample. It produces a CSV which lists all processors and fragments used in the project, and their access modifiers.
Example usage to copy CSV output to clipboard (make sure to use a valid path to .sln file):
MassEntityProcessorsAndFragmentsToCsv.ps1 -SlnPath D:\UE5\CitySample\CitySample.sln | Set-Clipboard
CSV in Google Sheets:
There are several optional parameters to the script:
: A regex for which .cpp files to search for Mass Processor definitions-CppFileRegexToIgnore
: A regex for files to ignore-ProcessorNameRegexToIgnore
: A regex for Processor class names to ignore
For default values see the top of the script.
In the CSV the access modifiers are abbreviated as:
- R: read access
- W: write access
- N: no access
Currently the script has the following limitations:
- Does not have great error handling
- Relies on regex parsing of C++ code, which can be brittle
- Things like AddTagRequirement (tag requirements) or AddConstSharedRequirement (shared requirements) are not captured in the outputted CSV
If anyone wants to submit a PR for any of these I'll more than happily accept it.