Bugfixes and quality of life changes for Noita.
-Sunstone fix. Sunseed and sunstone items can no longer be deleted during NG+ entry.
-Copy Three Random Spells fix. This spell didn't always create 3 copies like promised, because of draw in the middle of the cast. It now gets 3 random spells first and then calls them.
-Ruby fix. A cosmetic reward wasn't being awarded reliably, it should work better now.
-Crystal key fix. Fixed an issue where losing a crystal key that had listened to a music machine would lock you out of the quest.
-Fungal shifting quality of life. Dark cave next to mines now spawns some green fungus so you can always do shifting.
-Perk loading fix. Due to the perk altar spawning inbetween two chunks, players could sometimes lose one or more perks due to restarting/crashing. No longer happens.
-HM statue quality of life. Statues can no longer die, letting you test damage on them as much as you like.
-Sun Crystal fix. The crystals that spawn on the scale easily lose the entity tied to them. The floating island now also spawns material checkers in case the entity is gone.
-Moon radar QoL. Moon radar can now track all kinds of celestial bodies.
-Spatial Awareness QoL. Spatial Awareness can now count beyond 3. (Thanks Priskip!)
-Iron Stomach QoL. When ingesting poly liquids or poisons, player would get briefly immune to those status effects. The duration is now visible on the UI.
-Spells to Power fix. When not finding anything to absorb, this modifier could rarely freeze the game. Should no longer happen.
-Lukki transformation fix. Fixed player sprite remaining transparent after using nullifying altar while having lukki transformation.
-Ending fix. If multiple ending spots were loaded at once, the script could calculate distance to wrong spot and fail.