Here you can discuss and give some ideas for the bot "Minebot" for Discord.
If you want to give a suggestion or report a bug just create a Issue here.
Maybe at some day the bot will be open-source.
Commands of the bot:
Meaning of symbols: [obrigatory field] (non-obrigatory field)
Available arguments:
overlay: true
gamemode: sw
/mchead [nickname] (overlay) - Shows the head of a Minecraft skin.
/mcheadsh [nickname] - Shows the head of a Minecraft skin with shadow.
/mcface [nickname] (overlay) - Shows the face of a Minecraft skin.
/mcface2 [nickname] - Shows the face of a Minecraft skin in other perspective.
/mcfront [nickname] - Shows the front of a Minecraft skin.
/mcfrontfu [nickname] - Shows the full front of a Minecraft skin.
/mcbust [nickname] - Shows the bust of a Minecraft skin.
/mcskin [nickname] (overlay) - Shows the Minecraft skin of a player.
/mcskin2 [nickname] - Shows the Minecraft skin of a player in other perspective.
/mcskinsteal [nickname] - Shows a raw Minecraft skin.
/mccape [nickname] - Shows the cape of a Minecraft skin.
/mcinfo [nickname] - Gets information's of a Minecraft account.
/mcuuid [nickname] - Gets the UUID associated with a Minecraft username.
/mcofflineuuid [nickname] - Gets the UUID that a player would have on an offline-mode server.
/hypixel [nickname] (gamemode) - Gets a player stats from the server Hypixel. (
/javaping [address] - Pings a Minecraft Java Edition server and gets some info about it.
/javamotd [address] - Gets the current MOTD of a Minecraft Java Edition server.
/beping [address] - Pings a Minecraft Bedrock Edition server and gets some info about it.
/mbhelp - Information's about the Bot.
/mbping - Calculate ping of the bot.
- Get informations of a player on the Hypixel server | Implemented: 21/09/2022
Command:/hypixel [nickname]
- Get the SkyWars stats of a specific player in Hypixel | Implemented: 03/10/2022
Command:/hypixel [nickname] sw
- Get the general information of a Minecraft account | Implemented: 22/10/2022
Command:/mcinfo [nickname]
- Track when a player leaves/join a server. (Need of plugin creation)
- Get the BedWars stats of a specific player in Hypixel
- Get the SkyBlock stats of a specific player in Hypixel
- [16/08/2022] Bot has been born.
- [21/09/2022] Bot reached 50 server's.
- [26/09/2022] Bot reached 250 server's. (Verification process)
- [03/10/2022] Bot has been verified. ✔️
- [22/10/2022] Bot reached 500+ server's.
- [04/12/2022] Bot reached 700+ server's.
- Made by LewBr (Leonardo Santos)
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