@mir-group @ Harvard University
- https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=6CGJH_oAAAAJ
[ICLR'24] Symphony: Symmetry-Equivariant Point-Centered Spherical Harmonics for Molecule Generation
PyTorch Extension Library of Optimized Autograd Sparse Matrix Operations
quacc is a flexible platform for computational materials science and quantum chemistry that is built for the big data era.
Public development project of the LAMMPS MD software package
Example of how to implement an extension package to the `nequip` framework with custom loss terms, model components, etc.
Multi-language library for the calculation of spherical harmonics in Cartesian coordinates
Simple, parallel, object-oriented Fortran neural network
Gin provides a lightweight configuration framework for Python
[TMLR 2023] Training and simulating MD with ML force fields
Advanced evolutionary computation library built directly on top of PyTorch, created at NNAISENSE.
torch::deploy (multipy for non-torch uses) is a system that lets you get around the GIL problem by running multiple Python interpreters in a single C++ process.
An interactive NVIDIA-GPU process viewer and beyond, the one-stop solution for GPU process management.
Package for extracting and mapping the results of every single tensor operation in a PyTorch model in one line of code.
Ab-initio Interface Materials Simulation Project for Grain Boundaries (AIMSGB)
A game theoretic approach to explain the output of any machine learning model.
Awesome papers related to generative molecular modeling and design.
python library for neighborlist implemented in rust
GEOM: Energy-annotated molecular conformations