A Yeoman generator for common Littlest scaffolding.
- Ensure you have Yeoman installed:
which yo
- If not, it can be installed with:
npm install -g yo
- Install the Littlest generator:
npm install -g generator-littlest
- To create a new project, run
yo littlest
in an empty directory.
To give a better indication of how its original authors are using Littlest, some of their common practices are built into this generator:
- Express
- Normalize.css
That said, they're all added at this level of abstraction, and none of them are required to use Littlest. Even the directory layout is completely subjective, as everything involved is just a Node module. Delete at will, and replace with your own preferences. We sincerely hope there's not so much of that code to make deleting it more painful than the documentation they provide by existing in the first place.