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If you encounter any issues or difficulties, don't hesitate to reach out and ask for assistance here. Our team is here to help you with any problems you may face.
My Replit Account ->
My Facebook Account ->
MD Romeo Islam Rasel
- If you encounter any issues or have questions related to this REPL, please don't hesitate to reach out to me on Facebook. I'm here to assist you!
- 📝 Note
- 🚧 Requirement
- 📝 Tutorial
- 🔔 How to get notification when have new update?
- 🆙 How to Update
- 🛠️ How to create new commands
- 💭 Support
- 📚 Support Languages in source code
- 📌 Common Problems
- 📸 Screenshots
- ✨ Copyright (C)
- 📜 License
- This is a messenger chat bot using a personal account, using an unofficial api (Origin here) and this may lead to facebook account being locked due to spam or other reasons.
- So, I recommend using a clone account (one that you're willing to throw away at any time)
- I am not responsible for any problems that may arise from using this bot.
- Node.js 16.x Download | Home | Other versions
- Knowledge of programming, javascript, nodejs, unofficial facebook api
Tutorial has been uploaded on YouTube
- For mobile phone:
- For vps/windows:
Summary instructions:
- See here
- Click on the
button in the upper right corner of the screen and selectCustom
and selectPull requests
and clickApply
to get notified when there is a new update.
Tutorial has been uploaded on YouTube
- on phone/repl:
- on vps/computer:
- See here
If you have major coding issues with this bot, please join and ask for help.
- (recommended)
- longer supported)- Please do not inbox me, I do not respond to private messages, any questions please join the chat group for answers. ThankThanks!
Currently, the bot supports 2 languages:
en: English
vi: Vietnamese
Change language in
file -
You can customize the language in the folder
📌 Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch
1. Enable Google Drive API: Tutorial
2. Add uri (not to Authorized redirect URIs in OAuth consent screen: Tutorial
3. Choose and in OAuth 2.0 Playground: Tutorial
📌 Error for site owners: Invalid domain for site key
1. Go to
2. Add domain (not to Domains in reCAPTCHA v2 Tutorial
📌 GaxiosError: invalid_grant, unauthorized_client
- If you don't publish the project in google console, the refresh token will expire after 1 week and you need to get it back. Tuatorial
📌 GaxiosError: invalid_client
- Check if you have entered your google project client_id correctly Tuatorial
📌 Error 403: access_denied
- If you don't publish the project in google console only the approved accounts added to the project can use it Tuatorial
- The use of unknown source code can lead to the device being infected with viruses, malware, hacked social accounts, banks, ...
- Goat-Bot-V2 is only published at, all other sources, all forks from other github, replit,... are fake, violate policy
- If you use from other sources (whether accidentally or intentionally) it means that you are in violation and will be banned without notice
- Nếu bạn vi phạm bất kỳ quy tắc nào, bạn sẽ bị cấm sử dụng dự án của tôi
- Không bán mã nguồn của tôi
- Không tự xưng là chủ sở hữu của mã nguồn của tôi
- Không kiếm tiền từ mã nguồn của tôi (chẳng hạn như: mua bán lệnh, mua bán/cho thuê bot, kêu gọi quyên góp, v.v.)
- Không xóa/sửa đổi credit (tên tác giả) trong mã nguồn của tôi
- If you violate any rules, you will be banned from using my project
- Don't sell my source code
- Don't claim my source code as your own
- Do not monetize my source code (such as: buy and sell commands, buy and sell bots, call for donations, etc.)
- Don't remove/edit my credits (author name) in my source code