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Deploy Google Kubernetes Engine entire stack with Terraform, Bash and Helm

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Deploy GKE cluster

The intention for this project is to deploy a Google Cloud GKE Stack configured, with auto-scaler, over TLS and fully automated. Also, it will deploy the dashboard and Joomla/MariaDB.

How to use

You can run the initial Bash script, it will look for dependencies (terraform, helm, etc) and you can choose between Deploy, Destroy and just deploy the apps.


2019-07-14 19:07:24 Checking for dependencies
What action you want to execute?
  1) Deploy     3) Setup
  2) Destroy    4) App_deploy
  Default: Deploy
  -> 1


./ Deploy
2019-07-21 21:37:45 Checking for dependencies
2019-07-21 21:37:46 Starting to deploy the Google Cloud GKE Stack
2019-07-21 21:37:46 Runnning terraform init

Getting my Token

By default, this automation will create two users. One is mlozano-admin (Cluster admin) and another mlozano-user (For default namespace).

To get the token, you can run this command.

kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $(kubectl -n kube-system get secret | awk '/'"${my_user}"'/ { rc = 1; print $1 }; END { exit !rc }' || echo "${my_user}")


All endpoints will be exposed via sidecar, via HTTP over TLS.