- git clone
- bundle install
To run this app you will need to have a twilio account and a subaccount and be able to access the twilio api through the twilio console
Furthermore, you will need to buy at least one twilio powered phone number to populate the Proxy Number Pool. This number can't be used for any other processes. As soon as you have a number available, take a note for the phone_number's sid Click here for more info
Last, you will need to create a file at your local directory and add your twilio credentials(account_sid, auth_token), with the name ".twilio_config.json"
As soon as the above are set up you should be able to do the following by running these commands in your local directory of the app
Create a service (pass a name for your service)
ruby lib/create_service.rb 'name_of_service'
Add a number to the Proxy Service Number Pool(pass the phone number sid acquired when you bought the number )
ruby lib/add_number_to_service.rb PNXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Create a Session and start the SMS conversation (pass the unique name of this session, the phone number of the sender, the phone number of the recipient and the message you want to send)
ruby lib/create_sms_conversation.rb MySmsConversation +44000XXXXXXX +44000XXXXXXX Hello
Take a note of the output of this command, it is the session's sid and you will need it for later
You can continue this conversation through your phones
See the log of your conversation(pass the session sid acquired from the last command)
ruby print_interaction KCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX