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stefanwerfling edited this page Aug 22, 2022 · 12 revisions

The MWPA Wiki should contain general questions for installation and configuration.

for Admins:

Install with 'docker compose'

Login to the system with ssh and create a working folder:

mkdir /opt/mwpa

cd /opt/mwpa

create the 'docker-compose.yml' with nano

nano docker-compose.yml

Copy the content of the docker-compose.yml from the repository into the file and adjust the settings.

Now create the config.json file and set up the environment variables

nano config.json

Finally, we start the application as a service so that it always starts with the system:

docker compose up -d

The server can now be reached under the IP of the system with the configured port from the docker-compose file (standard port 3000):


First start

After the first start, the database is created. A standard user is stored for this purpose, the password must be changed for this user:

Username: [email protected]

Password: changeMyPassword

Log in and change the password of the admin user first!


It is important that the server is secured on the internet with HTTPS. I recommend a Let`s Encrypt certificate with Nginx Proxy. The effort of configuring Nginx can be saved with the Nginx Proxy Manager!

Import a Excel

The following command imports the data from an Excel table into the database, the columns must be correct according to the importer class.

docker exec -it mwpa_server node /opt/app/dist/main.js --config=/opt/app/config.json --import=/opt/app/imports/myfile.xlsm

for Devs:

Own test system

With these steps you can test your current developer version on your system. I created this scenario so that I can test/develop the mobile app. For this I started a container in a Proxmox and imported my image with Docker.

1. Create Docker Image

After the git clone of the repository, start the docker-compose file that is carried along. This will build the image for MWPA on your own computer:

docker compose up

After the process is done, export the image to a tar file:

cd /your/dir-for-file-save

docker save -o mwpa_1.0.tar mwpa/mwpa:1.0

2. Upload image to dev-machine

The file can now be uploaded via SSH with SCP:

scp -P 22 mwpa_1.0.tar user@<ip>:/opt/mwpa

Now the image is imported into docker:

docker load -i mwpa_1.0.tar

Connect to Database

The MariaDB database is in a volume, so the image and the container can be exchanged at any time. MariaDB listen on use DBeaver with SSH connection and you can see or edit the database.

Start local

Install by npm First clone and go to folder and install all package:

npm install

Start express server:

node dist/main.js --config=/opt/app/config.json


Completely reset

docker-compose down -v --rmi all