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keneshki edited this page Aug 8, 2019 · 1 revision

Here we are again another week another progress report, time sure flies when you are having a project to finish. So You must be wandering what I did this week. Well a lot, loads. I got this idea: why don't I divide the MAZE into four quadrants and each can represent a primal element: Water, Earth, Fire, Air... (long ago the four nations lived in peace...), so I did just that, now the maze has light and color and then I thought: I really need a protagonist up in his MAZE. So I made a deer(it's not finished! But I wanted to place his first iteration here so we know later how far we have come). Don't laugh, as a deer-maker enthusiast I'll be the first to tell you making a deer ain't easy. The deeper question of why the deer got stuck in a maze, I cannot answer.

Coming up next week(on Love Island...) we have a lot of work to do(as per usual): lets finish up that darn deer and maybe get him walking(if the walking animation gets to tricky he will probably become a flying deer - and I'm not adding wings on him, those would just want animation as well) if i have time i might create some antagonists for our brave deer, after all every hero needs a challenge.SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS A MAZE ing grace how sweet...When I looked at the posted screenshot I saw that I forgot to add a tail to the deer, how embarrassing. I also forgot to give him a name - Horny the deer? (too profane? Ill keep thinking...)

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