Release v1.2.0
Most important changes are:
- Added TopoReaders for: Kartverket50m (multi-tile reader), EMODNET2020 (multi-tile reader) and GEBCO2021 (global coverage)
- Added plot_topo-method to ModelRun object to vew the raw topography of a Grid-object. plot_grid plots the meshed topography.
- The TopoReaders can now return either structured gridded data or a bunch of points to the Grid-object
- The trg-module can now read triangulation data and topography data from .msh-.files
- Added preliminary support for the HOS-ocean model.
- Option to output selected spectra points (spec_points) in SWAN(InputFileWriter) has added.
- Times when initializing ModelRun-objects are now optional. Convenient when only working with grids or when we want to import all data from a file.