Please go for Maui library here:
XFPINView is Xamarin.Forms cross platform UI control to facilitate UI for mobile PIN (MPIN), OTP, Verification Code entry. This control can be used for Login using PIN, Creting New PIN, Change PIN, Entering secure OTP screens in your mobile application.
- iOS
- Android

- Search for XFPINView nuget package and install it in your Xamarin.Forms core project.
- In your Page, add reference to this package:
- Use the control like below:
PINValue="{Binding PIN}"
Color="#442C2E" />
Property | Type | Default | Description |
AutoDismissKeyboard | Boolean | False | Decides whether to dismiss the keyboard automatically when all charecters entered |
BoxBackgroundColor | Color | Transparent | Defines the BackgroundColor of each PIN Box |
BoxBorderColor | Color | Color Property Value | Defines the Border Color of each PIN Box |
BoxFocusColor | Color | Black | Defines the Focus Indicator Border Color when PIN Box is Focused |
BoxFocusAnimation | Enum | None | Animates the Box when it receives the Focus. Enum values [ None, ZoomInOut, ScaleUp ] |
BoxShape | Enum | Circle | Defines the shape of PIN Box from Enum values [ Squere, RoundCorner, Circle ] |
BoxSize | Double | 50 | Defines the Width and Height of each PIN Box |
BoxSpacing | Double | 5 | Defines the space among each PIN Box |
Color | Color | Accent | Defines the Color of PIN Box (Border and Dot) |
IsPassword | Boolean | True | Defines whether to show actual input character or hide / secure via Dot |
PINInputType | Enum | Numeric | Defines the Input Type from Enum [ Numeric, AlphaNumeric ] |
PINLength | Integer | 4 | Defines the Length (No. of Characters) of the PIN |
PINValue | String | Empty | Bind this to string Property in your ViewModel, to get value of the Entered PIN |
Command / Event | Type | Description |
PINEntryCompletedCommand | Command | A Bindable Command, which gets invoked on completion of the PIN entry (All charecters are entered) You can execute your code through this command |
PINEntryCompleted | Event | Invokes on completion of the PIN entry (when all charecters are entered). |
PINValue="{Binding PIN}" />

PINValue="{Binding PIN}" />

PINValue="{Binding PIN}"
Color="#33691E" />

Defines the Length of PIN your app supports
PINValue="{Binding PIN}" />

The Bindable PIN value user enters as an input
PINValue="{Binding PIN}" />
PINValue="{Binding PIN}" />

PINValue="{Binding PIN}" />

- Provide option to show entry as Password or normal text input.
- Show Focus indicator
- Add invalid input / error animation