The PDStoolkit (Process Data Science Toolkit) package has been created to provide easy-to-use modules to help quickly build data-based solutions for process systems such as those for process monitoring, modeling, fault diagnosis, system identification, etc. Current modules in the package are wrappers around pre-existing Sklearn's classes and provide several additional methods to facilitate a process data scientist's job. Details on these are provided in the following section. More modules relevant for process data science will be added over time.
- PDStoolkit_Manual.pdf provides some quick information on the algorithms implemented in the package
- Class documentations are provided in the 'docs' folder
- Tutorials are provided in the 'tutorials' folder
- The blog post ( gives some perspective behind the motivation for development of PDStoolkit package
- Theoretical and conceptual details on specific algorithms can be found in our books (
The main modules in the package currently are:
PDS_PCA: Principal Component analysis for Process Data Science
- This class is a child of sklearn.decomposition.PCA class
- The following additional methods are provided
- computeMetrics: computes the monitoring indices (Q or SPE, T2) for the supplied data
- computeThresholds: computes the thresholds / control limits for the monitoring indices from training data
- draw_monitoring_charts: draws the monitoring charts for the training or test data
- detect_abnormalities: detects if the observations are abnormal or normal samples
- get_contributions: returns abnormality contributions for T2 and SPE for an observation sample
PDS_PLS: Partial Least Squares regression for Process Data Science
- This class is a child of sklearn.cross_decomposition.PLSRegression class
- The following additional methods are provided
- computeMetrics: computes the monitoring indices (SPEx, SPEy, T2) for the supplied data
- computeThresholds: computes the thresholds / control limits for the monitoring indices from training data
- draw_monitoring_charts: draws the monitoring charts for the training or test data
- detect_abnormalities: detects if the observations are abnormal or normal samples
PDS_DPCA: Dynamic Principal Component analysis for Process Data Science
- This class is a child of sklearn.decomposition.PCA class
- The following additional methods are provided
- computeMetrics: computes the monitoring indices (Q or SPE, T2) for the supplied data
- computeThresholds: computes the thresholds / control limits for the monitoring indices from training data
- draw_monitoring_charts: draws the monitoring charts for the training or test data
- detect_abnormalities: detects if the observations are abnormal or normal samples
PDS_DPLS: Dynamic Partial Least Squares regression for Process Data Science
- This class is a child of sklearn.cross_decomposition.PLSRegression class
- The following additional methods are provided
- computeMetrics: computes the monitoring indices (SPEx, SPEy, T2) for the supplied data
- computeThresholds: computes the thresholds / control limits for the monitoring indices from training data
- draw_monitoring_charts: draws the monitoring charts for the training or test data
- detect_abnormalities: detects if the observations are abnormal or normal samples
PDS_CVA: Canonical Variate Analysis for Process Data Science
- This class is written from scratch
- The following additional methods are provided
- computeMetrics: computes the monitoring indices (Ts2, Te2, Q) for the supplied data
- computeThresholds: computes the thresholds / control limits for the monitoring indices from training data
- draw_monitoring_charts: draws the monitoring charts for the training or test data
- detect_abnormalities: detects if the observations are abnormal or normal samples
Installation from Pypi:
pip install PDStoolkit
Import modules
from PDStoolkit import PDS_PCA
from PDStoolkit import PDS_PLS
The following code builds a PCA-based process monitoring model using PDS-PCA class and uses it for subsequent fault detection and fault diagnosis on test data. For details on data and results, see the ProcessMonitoring_PCA notebook in the tutorials folder.
# import
from PDStoolkit import PDS_PCA
# fit PDS_PCA model
pca = PDS_PCA(), autoFindNLatents=True)
T2_train, SPE_train = pca.computeMetrics(data_train_normal, isTrainingData=True)
T2_CL, SPE_CL = pca.computeThresholds(method='statistical', alpha=0.01)
pca.draw_monitoring_charts(title='training data')
# fault detection and fault diagnosis on test data
pca.detect_abnormalities(data_test_normal, title='test data')
T2_contri, SPE_contri = pca.get_contributions(data_test_normal)
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