- Compatibility with Moodle 4.4
- Raised minimum required version to Moodle 4.4
- Fixed malformatted language file
- Ability to set the default organiser of instance meetings
- Additional teachers now define co-organisers instead of presenters
- In rare occasion, the lobby could be shown instead of redirecting to the meeting
- Update navigation following Moodle 4.x update
- Add link to index page to course navigation
- Setting to support setting all attendees as presenters of meeting
- Setting to set the list of teachers (presenters)
- Setting to set whether the list of attendees is set against a meeting
- Setting to set whether the chat is open after meeting ends
- Disable chat and lobby bypass when deleting the activity
- Module index page includes information about activity setup and meeting link
- Disable 'Save and display' when creating a new instance
- Declare the module as an activity instead of a resource
- Group mode always set to "No groups" by default upon instance creation
- Admin setting to prefix onlineMeeting instances with course shortname
- Calendar events were not created on create and duplicate when using groups
- Added CLI to debug an meeting instance
- Support restricting activity to an individual group
- Support group mode to enable meetings per group
- Students included as attendees
- Online meeting could not be created with presenters in some cases
- Online meeting instance no longer created when instance is added to course
- Online meeting organiser defined on-demand on first access to activity
- Backup & restore re-implemented without restoring online meeting information
- Introduce capability
to flag who can be a presenter - Flag and synchronise users with above capability as meeting attendees with role
- Temporarily disable backup/restore functionality
- Time slot meetings no longer create broadcast events
- Renamed plugin from
- Added support for backup and restore
- Added support for
event - Renamed
(admin setting) - Renamed
(database field, language string) - Removed built-in French language strings
- Removed notification sent to creator when a new activity is created
- Removed dependencies on Composer and Microsoft Graph in favour of
- Removed code that was not specific to online meetings (Microsoft Teams)
- Forked https://github.com/UCA-Squad/moodle-mod_teams by Université Clermont Auvergne