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MURBASLMS edited this page Apr 15, 2022 · 8 revisions

Moodle activity plugin to create on demand or scheduled sessions using Microsoft Teams online meetings


  • Support for restricting activity to an individual group
  • Support for group mode to enable meetings per group
  • Students included as attendees so chat and recordings in teams online meeting persist
  • Online meeting organiser defined on-demand on first access to activity
  • Backup & restore supported
  • capability mod/meeting:presentmeeting to flag who can be a presenter (accessallgroups for teaching roles required)
  • Flag and synchronise users with above capability as meeting attendees with role presenter - also syncs new group members.
  • Option to include a course shortname prefix to sessions - useful for students and teachers for identifying in Teams, for recordings, and for reporting in Azure.
  • CLI to debug an meeting instance - shows session info, organiser, presenters, attendees

TODO: attendance reporting

Note: currently (march 22) session organisers can manage break out groups in the session, presenters cannot, hence the need to set organiser. Once set this cannot be changed.

0365 integration dependency

Relies on having the o365 local plugin libraries installed and configured.

See: -Online meeting permissions -Allow applications to access online meetings on behalf of a user - powershell script to apply permissions globally.


Setting the entire course enrolment is sometimes useful but poses a problem when a session’s context is for a specific group in moodle, for example when one group’s assessment is being discussed before another has completed. If all students in a unit are attendees of a session then they will be able to see the chat and recording of a session in Teams.

Allowing the set up of specific group membership in a session also assists with splitting students up logically, so a teacher could create specific groups of students in moodle and set sessions for them, rather than having to split them up in a larger session in Teams, depending on context and purpose of session. Break out groups in teams can still be used in the Teams session itself if required.

The plugin has been enhanced to support default moodle group functionality. In the case of teams sessions, separate group setting is the method by which a teacher would limit sessions to the groups in moodle, including those manually created and any synced groups (eg from a SIS.)

The activity individual group option setting will:

  • Set group mode
  • Set restrict access values as per group
  • Define attendees of meeting as per group
  • It acts as a shortcut to the above settings, thus avoiding the need to set group mode, grouping, and restrict access.

Note: group mode is partially "disabled" in the activity if an individual group is selected – in the moodle UI it can be altered via the course page UI button TODO look to disable this in the case of an individual group.

Note: after activity set up, if a UC selects visible groups in this way for some reason, or by accident, then any student can access the session; they won't be an attendee. Also note that forced group mode would get in the way of this functionality.

So basically, the activity should always be set for separate groups if the context of a session is a group.