CMP-SE-1920 Software engineering Software engineering - Assignment 1 Members and roles:
- 15595542 Ashley Thomas Jubb
- 17639857 Sam Baker
- 17641253 Macauley Scullion
Application to generate track recommendations from Spotify based that days news.Extract terms from news source. Use those terms to get recommended tracks from Spotify (track of the day, alternative (i.e. opposite to terms gathered), etc.
See: ,
Tools in use:
- Python 3.7
- Github for version control and task tracking
- Discord for communications
- SCRUM master - Macauley Scullion
- Product owner - Ashley Thomas Jubb
- Developers - Sam Barker - Ashley Thmoas Jubb - Macauley Scullion
Other info:
- Sprints are weekly
Sprint 1: This sprint was to mainly to produce research and design work for later use.
- User stories, UML diagrams, use case diagrams and knowledge acquisitions
Sprint 2: This sprint is to being used to produce a minimal viable product.
- Get news data, count terms then use the sportify api with the best terms.