- Create a facebook developer account
- Create a new app [type:None] from https://developers.facebook.com/apps/create/
- Open the app, go to setting/basic and copy app_id and app_secret
- Open graph api explorer from https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/
- Select Facebook App that you just created
- Click 'Generate Access Token' and allow everything [the account you are using right now its pages will be scraped [if you are admin]]
- When 6th step is done and a token is generated, mark all of the permission you see in permissions
- Then again click 'generate access token' and follow the procedure
- When 8th step is done, you will see a new Access Token is generated.
Copy the access token
- Install python 3.9
- on terminal 'pip install -r requirements.txt'
- when all of the requirements are installed, run
- You are good to go. The scraper bot is self-explanatory