RivetWizard is a rivet-placement optimization tool written in MATLAB. RivetWizard finds great rivet placement configurations for lap joints to be put under axial tension. The types of failure to be accounted for are:
- Tensile failure
- Shear failure
- Tear-out failure
- Bearing Failure
The results of optimization display the failure loads of each type from the configuration found with the highest minimum failure load with units in pound-force.
The failure loads are anteceded by the coordinates of the center-points of each rivet-hole in inches. The coordinate system origin is the corner of the imaginary rectangle created by the overlapping stock.
Here is an example of what the command line output might look like with a selected accuracy of 1/16 in:
Tensile: 5373.88 Shear: 5900.00 Tear: 8316.63 Bearing: 6190.81
(0.312500, 0.500000)
(0.312500, 1.000000)
(0.687500, 0.125000)
(0.812500, 1.062500)
(0.875000, 1.562500)
(1.187500, 0.187500)
(1.187500, 0.687500)
(1.375000, 1.625000)
(1.687500, 0.750000)
(1.750000, 1.250000)
The program also outputs a diagram to show what the best configuration found would look like. Here is an example image.