Warehouse Manager is an application about managing a products, Here we can create, edit, delete and search products.
- Create a new account linked to one of the companies in the system.
- Login with your email and password.
- Use filters to view lists of your products or search for the product you want to find.
- Scan a product to either start inventory it or if its not found, add it to your productlist.
- Adds new products.
- Import excel files to quickly get your products in to the system.
- Export excel to create lists to inventory with or lists of what is inventoried.
- To reduce and utilize the categories each product have, they are administered from here.
Prefered tool to work in is Visual Studio Code.
Install Node.js and NPM from node if you do not have it installed
git clone https://github.com/uppsalavm/uppsalavm.github.io [Directory]
cd [Directory]
Switch to your branch
git fetch && git checkout --track origin/[branchname]
For more info about commands Git https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/clone-and-make-a-change-on-a-new-branch-774243398.html
npm install // First time only
npm start