OpenAnatomyBrowser description for the 27 projecct NAMIC week - Boston
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- Michael Halle
- Ben Ball
- Abián Hernández-Guedes (ULPGC - GTMA - MACbioIDi)
- María Dolores Afonso-Suárez (ULPGC - GTMA - MACbioIDi)
- Jose Carlos Ruiz-Luque (ULPGC - GTMA - MACbioIDi)
- Juan Ruiz-Alzola (ULPGC - GTMA - MACbioIDi)
The main objective of this project is to use the open anatomy browser as a training platform for everyone, including developing countries. In the first place, we plan its adaptation to different languages and study its functionality to import/export data in order to facilitate the communication between both platforms (OpenAnatomy and Slicer).
- To define a strategy to follow in order to tackle i18n and L10n Oabrowser projects
- To study how to import/export data from/to 3DSlicer/Oabrowser/Others
- Create a prototype with both projects (i18n-L10n and import/export)
- Study the framework and modules of oabrowser (try to solve every possible question)
- Review other examples
- Investigate additional features to validate the prototypes
- The study to import/export data from/to 3DSlicer/Oabrowser is already done and there is a prototype of the module.
- Athough the prototype could be used to define a strategy, still we are working in the definition
Open Anatomy and 3DSlicer update
Open Anatomy Browser Screen