A fast netty based java client for nsq. We developed this client to use in various places in the trendrr.tv and curatorr.com stacks. It is currently deployed in production. It produces and consumes billions of messages per day.
Example usage:
NSQLookup lookup = new NSQLookupDynMapImpl();
lookup.addAddr("localhost", 4161);
NSQConsumer consumer = new NSQConsumer(lookup, "speedtest", "dustin", new NSQMessageCallback() {
public void message(NSQMessage message) {
System.out.println("received: " + message);
//now mark the message as finished.
//or you could requeue it, which indicates a failure and puts it back on the queue.
public void error(Exception x) {
//handle errors
log.warn("Caught", x);
Example usage:
NSQProducer producer = new NSQProducer().addAddress("localhost", 4150, 1);
for (int i=0; i < 50000; i++) {
producer.produce("speedtest", ("this is a message" + i).getBytes());
The producer also has a Batch collector that will collect messages until some threshold is reached (currently maxbytes or maxmessages) then send as a MPUB request. This gives much greater throughput then producing messages one at a time.
new BatchCallback() {
public void batchSuccess(String topic, int num) {
public void batchError(Exception ex, String topic, List<byte[]> messages) {
null, //use default maxbytes
null //use default max seconds
for (int i=0; i < iterations; i++) {
producer.produceBatch("speedtest", ("this is a message" + i).getBytes());
Note: the trendrr-oss dependancy can easily be swapped out by implementing the com.trendrr.nsq.NSQLookup interface using a different json parser