© Institute of Urban Water Management and Landscape Water Engineering, Graz University of Technology and Markus Pichler
Reading and analyzing hydro(geo)logic time series from the Austrian government's "ehyd.gv.at" platform.
Various tools for exporting and analyzing >10a rain time-series from the ehyd.gv.at platform of the Austian government.
If you are interested in a statistical heavy rain analysis like on (Ö)Kostra, take a look at my other python package intensity_duration_frequency_analysis which is compatible with this package.
The script is written in Python3. (use a version > 3.5)
You have to install python (i.e. the original python from the website).
The following commands show the usage for Linux/Unix systems.
To use these features on Windows you have to add python -m
before each command
and you have to add the path to your python binary to the environment variables 1.
There is also an option during the installation to add python to the PATH automatically. 2
Python is pre-installed on most operating systems (as you probably knew).
Packages required for this program will be installed with pip during the installation process and can be seen in the requirements.txt
flowchart TD
classDef missing stroke-dasharray: 5
contourpy -- "≥1.23" --> numpy
matplotlib -- "≥0.10" --> cycler
matplotlib -- "≥1.0.1" --> contourpy
matplotlib -- "≥1.0.1" --> kiwisolver
matplotlib -- "≥1.21,<2" --> numpy
matplotlib -- "≥2.3.1" --> pyparsing
matplotlib -- "≥2.7" --> python-dateutil
matplotlib -- "≥20.0" --> packaging
matplotlib -- "≥4.22.0" --> fonttools
matplotlib -- "≥6.2.0" --> pillow
pandas -- "≥1.26.0" --> numpy
pandas -- "≥2.8.2" --> python-dateutil
pandas -- "≥2020.1" --> pytz
pandas -- "≥2022.7" --> tzdata
python-dateutil -- "≥1.5" --> six
requests -- "≥1.21.1,<3" --> urllib3
requests -- "≥2,<4" --> charset-normalizer
requests -- "≥2.5,<4" --> idna
requests -- "≥2017.4.17" --> certifi
pip install ehyd-tools
Add the following tags to the command for special options:
: To install the package only for the local user account (no admin rights needed)--upgrade
: To update the package
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To start the script use following commands in the terminal/Prompt
With the -h
(help) flag you can see the complete functionality of the tool.
ehyd_tools -h
usage: __main__.py [-h] [-id ID] [--input INPUT] [--max10a] [--start START] [--end END] [--add_gaps] [--to_csv] [--to_parquet] [--plot] [--statistics] [--meta] [--unix] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -id ID the id number for the station from the ehyd.gv.at platform --input INPUT path to the rain input file including the filename --max10a consider only 10 years with the most availability (for clipping the data) --start START custom start time (Format="YYYY-MM-DD") for clipping the data --end END custom end time (Format="YYYY-MM-DD") for clipping the data --add_gaps save a gaps-table as a csv-file --to_csv save the time-series as csv-file (to the current directory if the id is used or in the directory of the input-file) --to_parquet save the time-series as parquet-file (to the current directory if the id is used or in the directory of the input- file) - parquet is a much faster as csv to read and write --plot save a bar-plot with monthly sums and availability as a png- file --statistics save the basic statistics (sum, max & min) as a txt-file --meta save the meta-data presented in ehyd as a txt-file --unix export the csv files with a "," as separator and a "." as decimal sign (otherwise ";" as separator and a "," as decimal sign will be used)
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List of ehyd-stations with the id-number and the label
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Example Jupyter notebook for the commandline
Example Jupyter notebook for the python api
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