this is work in progress!
what is working?
- wifi: tested, authenticating and browsing the web works
- bluetooth: tested scanning, finds devices and is visible (not tested more) [BUG: it was working once, now it does not work anymore...]
- camera: both working
- internal storage / sd storage and usb storage work
- Sensors tested with AndroSensor: battery, accel, gyro, compass (akmd needs to be running)
what is not working?
- gps is not working yet
- sound (system sounds work, apps not tested yet)
- lightsensor (getevent -il shows it + androsens seems to start it, but constant value)
NOT tested:
- GSM module (mine does not have it)
- light sensor
There is a serial debug port on the main PCB next to the power jack. Its labeled RX, TX, GND. You can directly connect a FT232-3V3 (3.3V type! The 5V type will kill the board) serial usb converter cable to it. Use 115200 8N1 not flow control. ThM9e is also a shell on that.
set up a plain cm11 build tree (see cm doc)
- setup the local manifest: paste this to .repo/local_manifests/m9pro.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project path="device/pipo/m9pro" name="Matador-67/android_device_pipo_m9pro" remote="github" revision="master"/>
<!-- <remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Bluetooth" />
<project path="packages/apps/Bluetooth" name="fishpepper/android_packages_apps_Bluetooth" remote="github" revision="master"/> -->
- download the rom from pipo: Place it in the source tree under devices/pipo/m9pro/pipo_rom/20140326.rar run./
This will extract all binary blobs from that rom
- build the source by calling brunch m9pro
right now i did not test cwm installer based installation, i used rkflash to flash it.
boot into flashloader: shut down tablet by long press. press and hold ESC while pressing power on for 5-8s. Then release both.
verify that your board is the same as mine by running > rkflashtool p
FIRMWARE_VER:4.4.2 MACHINE_MODEL:M9pro MACHINE_ID:007 MANUFACTURER:RK30SDK MAGIC: 0x5041524B ATAG: 0x60000800 MACHINE: 3066 CHECK_MASK: 0x80 KERNEL_IMG: 0x60408000 RECOVER_KEY: 1,1,0,20,0 CMDLINE:console=ttyFIQ0 androidboot.console=ttyFIQ0 init=/init initrd=0x62000000,0x00800000 mtdparts=rk29xxnand:0x00002000@0x00002000(misc),0x00006000@0x00004000(kernel),0x00006000@0x0000a000(boot),0x00010000@0x00010000(recovery),0x00020000@0x00020000(backup),0x00040000@0x00040000(cache),0x00e00000@0x00080000(userdata),0x00002000@0x00e80000(metadata),0x00002000@0x00e82000(kpanic),0x00140000@0x00e84000(system),-@0x00fc4000(user)
verify the adresses for boot and system location (swap address before and after the @) 0x00006000@0x0000a000(boot) 0x00140000@0x00e84000(system)
flash the images (this will reboot after flashing): ./
NOTE: the script checking the md5sum is currently untested
(do not worry about the premature warning at boot.img, our image is smaller)