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Spotify Clone Using React

This is a clone of the spotify app, developed with React.js. I´ve used the Shazam core free API from RapidAPI, in order to use it you shold create a new account and suscribe one of the plans that they offer. Once done that, use your api key to make the calls to the API.

System Requirements

To get started with development, you need to install few tools

  1. git

    git version 2.13.1 or higher. Download git if you don't have it already.

    To check your version of git, run:

     git --version
  2. node

    node version 16.15.1 or higher. Download node if you don't have it already.

    To check your version of node, run:

     node --version
  3. npm

    npm version 5.6.1 or higher. You will have it after you install node.

    To check your version of npm, run:

     npm --version


To set up a development environment, please follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repo

     git clone
  2. Change directory to the project directory

    cd SpotifyCloneReact
  3. Install the dependencies

     npm install

    If you get an error, please check the console for more information.

    If you don't get an error, you are ready to start development.

  4. Run the app

    npm run dev

    Project will be running in the browser.

    Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

Pull Request

There are 2 main work flows when dealing with pull requests:

  • Pull Request from a forked repository
  • Pull Request from a branch within a repository

Here we are going to focus on 2. Creating a Topical Branch:

  1. First, we will need to create a branch from the latest commit on master. Make sure your repository is up to date first using

     git pull origin main

    Note: git pull does a git fetch followed by a git merge to update the local repo with the remote repo. For a more detailed explanation, see this stackoverflow post.

  2. To create a branch, use git checkout -b <new-branch-name> [<base-branch-name>], where base-branch-name is optional and defaults to main.

    Use a standard convention for branch names. For example, <your-name>-dev. It will be easier to track your pull requests if you use this convention.

    I'm going to create a new branch called jsm-dev from the main branch and push it to github.

     git checkout -b jsm-dev main
     git push origin jsm-dev
  3. To create a pull request, you must have changes committed to your new branch.

  4. Go to Pull Requests and click on the New Pull Request button.

  5. Select the main branch as the base branch and the jsm-dev branch as the compare branch.

  6. Follow the template and fill in the proper information for the pull request.

  7. Click on the Submit button.

  8. You have successfully created a pull request. Now wait for mentor approval. Once approved, you can merge the pull request.


Spotify clone using react






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