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Releases: Mathics3/mathics-omnibus

8.0.0: Update to Python 3.12, new API, new code and Ubuntu 24.10 (#16)

28 Jan 22:39
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  • Synchronize version number up with major API release in Mathics Kernel
  • Add dmathics3-tokens interface to mathics3-tokens (from mathics-scanner)
  • Use newer versions of everything, Ubuntu, Python, SymPy, etc.
  • Remove lots of copies of old wheels from the source; we can now get everything reasonably fast from inside docker


25 Jan 10:35
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8.0.0.rc1 Pre-release

Pyodide testing...

Get ready for release 4.0.1

09 Aug 19:23
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Front-end Scripts to run docker have been gone over to provide help via --help, and set environment variables that allow persistance of session by saving data on the host filesystem.

Docker images now include a version of Asymptote that will build images used in the manual, especially those that use Plot option Filling and Bottom.

Examples from Mark S Gockenbach's Tutorial for Partial Differential quations: Analytical and Numerical Methods have been added to the Mathics-Django worksheet database.

A bug was fixed in detecting the background use in dmathicsscript.


01 Aug 23:50
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Revised for Mathics 4.0.0. See the respective changes in Mathics3, Mathics-Django, and mathicsscript for changes there.


  • we now use llvm12 and a more recent gv
  • there is an --upgrade command added to all docker scripts to retrieve/updagte to the latest version
  • More environment variables can be passed through.
  • You can set environment variable APP_DATADIR to a directory outside Django to have data persist there. You may want to use this with MATHIC_DJANGO_PATH below...
  • In dmathicsscript, if you set MATHICS_DJANGO_DB_PATH and that file doesn't exist, the system database will be copied to that location. This gives a way for persisting sessions outside of docker.

There is be interaction between MATHICS_DJANGO_DB_PATH and APP_DATADIR to get the database to persist.

As a simple example, run:

  $ MATHICS_DJANGO_DB_PATH=/usr/src/app/data/foo.sqlite dmathicsserver

Above, since by default APP_DATADIR maps /usr/src/app/data to /tmp, on the host filesystem in /tmp/mathics-django.sqlite workspace sessions can be saved.


24 Jul 12:47
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This version builds the PDF and stores that in the docker container. As a result two new
command and front-end shell scripts were added:

  • dmathicsdoc will run evince over the Mathics book that was built when the container was built.
  • dmathicsdoccopy will copy the Mathics book that was built when the container was built.

The script for going into mathicsscript has been enhanced to try to detect the terminal background.

Set environment variable COLORFGBG to force what kind of background you have Use value 15;0 for dark backgrounds and 0;15 for light backgrounds.

Two new workspaces taken from "Implementing Discrete Mathematics" have been added to Mathics Django:

  • C 3.1 Datastructures for Graphs
  • C 3.2 Classifying Simple Graphs

Now we are three!

27 Jun 09:32
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Track changes to Mathics core Django, mathicsscript, and pymathics-graph.
Numerous docker config changes.


15 May 21:36
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Tracks Mathics 2.2.0 core release and related packages.

There may be dragons here...

21 Feb 02:15
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Initial release.

Ties together mathicsscript, mathics-django mathics3, docker, and pymathics modules in one package for releaes on PyPI or to create a docker image.