1- •Run the container hello-world
2- •Run container centos or ubuntu in an interactive mode •Run the following command in the container “echo docker ” •Open a bash shell in the container and touch a file named hello-docker •Stop the container and remove it. Write your comment about the file hello-docker (file removed ) •Remove all stopped containers
3- •Run a container httpd with name apache and attach a volume to the container •Volume for containing static html file •Remove the container
•Run a new container with the following: •Attach the volume that was attached to the previous container •Map port 80 to port 9898 on you host machine
•Access the html files from your browser
4- •Run the image httpd again without attaching any volumes
•Add html static files to the container and make sure they are accessible
•Commit the container with image name my apache
5- •Create a volume calledmysql_data, then deploy a MySQL database calledapp-database. Use the mysqllatestimage, and use the-eflag to setMYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORDtoP4sSw0rd0!.Mount themysql_datavolume to/var/lib/mysql. The container should run in the background.