•Run the container hello-world
2- •Run container centos or ubuntu in an interactive mode •Run the following command in the container “echo docker ” •Open a bash shell in the container and touch a file named hello-docker •Stop the container and remove it. Write your comment about the file hello-docker (file removed ) •Remove all stopped containers
•Run a container httpd with name apache and attach a volume to the container
•Volume for containing static html file
•Remove the container
•Run a new container with the following:
•Attach the volume that was attached to the previous container
•Map port 80 to port 9898 on you host machine
•Access the html files from your browser
•Run the image httpd again without attaching any volumes
•Add html static files to the container and make sure they are accessible
•Commit the container with image name my apache
•Create a volume calledmysql_data, then deploy a MySQL database calledapp-database. Use the mysqllatestimage, and use the-eflag to setMYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORDtoP4sSw0rd0!.Mount themysql_datavolume to/var/lib/mysql. The container should run in the background.