Releases: Mephiles/torntools_extension
Releases · Mephiles/torntools_extension
Release: v7.5.1
- Fix custom sounds not working anymore.
- Migrate the database when the background loads as well, if needed.
- Solve the performance issue with FF Scouter gauges.
- Fix the faction id feature not running when it should.
- Fix background errors when only attacks are fetched.
- Fix incorrect migration from personalstats.
- Keep a consistent order within the sidebar information section.
- Change some features to be compatible with older browsers again.
- Update the hardcoded items which we use as fallback.
- Improve background performance.
- Update all company specials to avoid outdated specials being shown.
- Improve the detection which faction id you are currently visiting.
- Refactor the company id feature.
Release: v7.5.0
- Sidebar timer for OC 2.
- Fill Max for Item Market 2.0.
- Split requests to TornPal if more scouts are needed than allowed in a single request.
- Be more resilient when checking if the api key is present.
- Correctly detect the background page on Firefox. This should fix multiple features, including the event badge.
- Avoid blocking FF scouter gauges on unconfigured pages.
- Be more resilient when applying chat highlights.
- Disable OC1 timer when detecting OC 2 data.
- Disable Faction OC timer when detecting OC 2 data.
- Better note about external services.
- Show FF scouter gauge on more pages when honor bars are disabled.
- Filter on any weapon bonus in the faction armory.
- Add a button to force update your userdata.
- Completely migrate over to API v2 for personalstats.
- Adjust achievements for crimes 2.
- Include some missing achievements like hospitals and jail visits and special ammo.
- Improve page detection on 'loader.php'.
- Check whether your data is corrupted on the about page.
Release: v7.4.2
- Hide the recycle message on the item page.
- Hide the too many items warning on the item page.
- Correctly count the supply pack value.
- Avoid an error on the item market when switching categories.
- Actually show an error when the revive request fails instead of showing the success message.
- Opening a mini profile while on a profile no longer results in the FF Scouter being shown on the profile.
- Improved performance while using FF Scouter in some cases.
- Route tornpal requests through the background to bypass Torn's CSP policy on Firefox.
- Avoid an error on the enemy page when switching pages.
- Avoid issues with FF scouter by loading a script earlier.
- FF Scouter gauges weren't showing when honor bars were disabled or on the bounties page.
- Personal stats no longer showed up in the profile box due to an API change.
- Include some missing stats in the profile box.
- Better optimize calls to tornpal.
- No longer send revive requests to The Imperium as it no longer worked.
Release: v7.4.1
- Include personal stats on the profile box that were accidentally removed again.
- Include missing personal stats on the profile box.
Release: v7.4.0
- Option for moving the item market category list to the left.
- Add ranked war hits and wins to Profile Box.
- Add easter eggs found and used, territory clears and raid hits to Profile Box.
- FairFight Scouter ('FF Scouter') on various pages (profile, mini-profile, attack page and honor bars). Credits to Glasnost [1844049] for TornPal and rDacted [2670953] for the original script ('FF Scouter'). Requires 'TornPal' to be enabled as external service.
- Add 'Wolverines X' as revive provider.
- Fix personal stat average injection on Firefox.
- Fix jail score filter not working properly anymore.
- Fix drug details not showing on the item page.
- Bugs & Issues forum warning wasn't showing up in all places anymore.
- Link market icons to the new item market.
- Link market icons for missing sets to the new item market.
- Link popup items to the new item market.
- Properly show links when using refills through faction quick items.
- Avoid errors on the bank page when there is no API key.
- Only show seconds in the oc timer and faction oc timer when there is less than an hour left.
- Filter on activity on the enemy list.
- Update our external library for sortable lists: SortableJS.
- Update our external library for icons: Font Awesome.
- Update our external library for charts: ChartJS.
- Update our external library for mobile drag and drop: DragDropTouch.
- Use API v2 for the Profile Box in preparation for Torn's incoming changes to the personal stats API
- Show an indication when Loot Ranger has not included every NPC in their scheduled attack.
- Update the core team titles to reflect DeKleineKobini rejoining.
- Update the missing hint for 'estranged' to include feet.
- Detect sidebar conditions better for some sidebar features.
- Adjust revive request prices to be accurate. Prices are no longer the same for every revive provider.
- Add links to the external services, where applicable.
- Add support for Firefox for Android in manifest.json.
- Removed bazaar prices from the popup, as they are set to be removed from the API.
- No longer show token refill as option in the profile box as it's no longer public data.
Release: v7.3.5
- Display when Live Networth was last updated after 1 hour global cache.
- Fix stats estimates on the attack page not showing up.
- Fix weapon experience on the attack page not showing up.
- Fix fair fight modifier on the attack page not showing up.
- Fix Popup Market Search for Torn v2 API.
- Adapt cheap item highlights to work with the item market overhaul.
- Adapt drug details to work with the item market overhaul.
- Update some mission hints and tasks.
- Detect sidebar conditions better for the OC time feature.
- Added a bail cost filter
- Added new feature to calculate the average in personal stats page, can be enabled from Profile page in Settings
- Remove the bazaar and item market redirect feature, due to the item market overhaul.
- Remove the item market no confirm feature, due to the item market overhaul.
- Remove the compact item market feature, due to the item market overhaul.
Release: v7.3.3
- Avoid crashing the page when opening the torntools settings on some pages.
- Fix query selectors on the gym page after Torn's frontend update.
- Fix Cooldown End Times after Torn's frontend update.
- Show the gym stat requirements per stat after switching gyms.
- Fix Job Points Tooltip and show it on mobile.
- Abroad Stock Table on People page.
- Faction selection of a filter stays even when faction members do not exist in list.
Release: v7.3.2
- Fix Disable Gym Stats when switching gyms.
- Add Vanguard armor set to Auction House Filter.
- Fix Employee Effectiveness Highlight after training an employee.
- Fix High Low helper and other XHR related features.
- Total Portfolio Value is now live and accurate unless stocks transactions are made.
Release: v7.3.1
- Added WHO as a global revive provider.
- Allow Small Supply Packs in Quick Items.
- Updated NUKE Family permission in manifest.
- Fix TTS not reading messages.
- Notifications will now be immediate after a data update.
Release: v7.2.4
- Show total value of an opened supply pack.
- Fixing (and then reverting) racing features.
- Changing the Nuclear Family revive request API endpoint to use new URL