This is the port of the PC8801 MKII SR core by Puu-san.
- Thanks to Puu-san for the core
- Thanks to Yosinda
- Thanks for the help of Alanswx and Kitrinx
- Thanks to Sorgelig
- Modes N, N88V1L, N88V1H, N88V2
- CPU Speeds (4MHz and 8MHz)
- 2 Floppy Drives using D88 format (Disk types supported 2D and 2HD)
- Sound chip YM2603 by default and ADPCM
- Mouse support (Changed between Mouse and Joypad on the OSD)
Copy the PC88_*.rbf file to the root of the SD card. Create a PC8801 folder on the root/games of the card, and place PC8801 floppies (*.D88) inside this folder.
- boot.rom = PC8801 MKII SR BIOS file. Required to start the core.
- 00000 ~ N88BASIC (32ko) mk2sr_n88.rom A0FC0473
- 08000- N-BASIC (32ko) mk2sr_n80.rom 27E1857D
- 10000 ~ N88 4th-0 (8ko) mk2sr_n88_0.rom 710A63EC
- 12000 ~ N88 4th-1 (8ko) n88_1.rom C0BD2AA6
- 14000 ~ N88 4th-2 (8ko) n88_2.rom AF2B6EFA
- 16000 ~ N88 4th-3 (8ko) n88_3.rom 7713C519
- 18000 ~ FONT (8x16) (2ko) + (2ko blank) font.rom 56653188
- 19000- Simple graphics font (attached Font / graphfont.bin) (4ko) graphfont.bin CDD1BE6B
- 1a000 ~ DISK ROM (8ko) + (16ko blank) mh_disk.rom A222ECF0
- 20000 ~ KANJI1 (128ko) kanji1.rom 6178BD43
- 40000 ~ KANJI2 (128ko) kanji2.rom 154803CC
copy /b mk2sr_n88.rom+mk2sr_n80.rom+mk2sr_n88_0.rom+n88_1.rom+n88_2.rom+n88_3.rom+font.rom+2KO_BLANK_00.ROM+graphfont.bin+mh_disk.rom+8KO_BLANK_00.ROM+8KO_BLANK_00.ROM+kanji1.rom+kanji2.rom boot.rom
- STOP -> End
- CLR -> Home
- HELP -> F11
- GRPH -> Alt
- COPY -> Print Screen
- PC -> Scroll Lock
On the OSD, there is an option to choose between Expansion (Default) or Onboard because some software only supports Onboard or Expansion board. You could find more informations on this issue ticket #11.
The D88 format has a status to know if the file is write protected or not. The core checks this status and not write on D88 file if protected. You could check and change the write protection of D88 file using this application
- Timing issues
- Gamma correction doesn't seem to change anything (?)
- Update T80 cpu
- Add choice Sound YM2203 or YM2603 on the OSD
- Add Audio Mix
- Add support of multi-resolution
- Add support of tapes
- Add support of other models like PC8801MC
- ...