Following the rules of the infamous "Cards against Humanity", this script cracks lines by drawing black and white cards and combining them randomly.
The script
is a full blown Flask web application and can be
integrated in any WSGI-capable web server. If
is executed on the
command line, it returns a catchy saying. To start the debugging/development
web server, call it as ./ -d
The two files white.txt
and black.txt
contain the content of the white
and black cards, respectively, one per line. Comments starting with #
well as blank (empty) lines are ignored.
contains the phrases with one or more blank spots. Blank spots
are denoted by a number of placeholders:
is a standard replacement, i.e. a word is inserted here without any changes -
removes the article (a, an or the) from the word inserted if present -
removes the article as well as any special characters (blanks, slashes, dots) from the word inserted and renders it lowercase so it is suited for phrases that resemble commands etc.
contains the words which are inserted into the blank spots on
black cards. Articles should be written lowercase. If a word is always
written lowercase, even at the beginning of a sentence (i.e. a command),
a space can be added in front of the word to prevent capitalization.