Ansible role for OpenSIPS (
- Choose OpenSIPS version {{ opensips_version }}
- Install dependencies packages
- Create OpenSIPS User and Group
- Clone OpenSIPS repository from GitHub
- Compile from sources
- Install from sources
- Add default, systemd, ... files
- carrierroute
- cgrates
- compression
- db_mysql
- dialplan
- emergency
- event_rabbitmq
- regex
- identity
- lua
- mmgeoip
- perl
- rabbitmq
- proto_sctp
- proto_tls
- proto_wss
- python
- rest_client
- siprec
- snmpstats
- tls_mgm
- xml
- Tested with vagrant box (Debian 8 / 9)
- Ansible 2.7.4
service opensips start
ansible-galaxy install mickaelh51.ar_opensips_from_sources
- Add FreeBSD 11 / 12 support
- Add CentOS 6 / 7 support