KEA -Hotel-ERP is a software solution tool developed for Hotel management and designed for hoteliers to manage their operations in an effective way. It helps hotelier to manage hotel billing system, reservation system, online hotel booking system, room status and much more in a single software. KEA-Hotel-ERP is accessible, powerful, and provides tools required for large, robust hotel management.
1. Reservation Center
-> Reservations
-> Check Ins
-> Check Outs
-> Room Transerfers
2. House Keeping Module
-> Room Cleaning Assignments
-> Room Cleaners
3. Resturant Management
-> Tables
-> Rooms
-> Take Aways
-> Deliveries
4. Inventory Management
5. Payrolls
6. Accounts
7. MIS And Advanced Reporting
-> Resturant Sales
-> Stock Reports
-> Supplier Outstanding
-> Bills
-> Tax Reports
-> Reservation Reports
8. Highly Customizable Landing Pages With Inbult Content Management System
If you discover a security vulnerability within KEA Hotel ERP , please send an e-mail to MartDevelopers Inc via [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
The KEA Hotel ERP is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.