Changed the advanced barrier icon format to specify where the file is in relation to the /assets//barricade/icon/ folder.
Added barricade:grass_block
, barricade:horse
, barricade:iron_sword
, barricade:standing_steve
Renamed barricade:player
icon to barricade:steve
Adjusted placement conditions of each barrier item.
Directional: Can be placed if an entity is inside it.
Entity: Can be placed if none of the entities within it meet the condition.
Advanced: Same as entity.
Non creative players may now reach through barrier blocks that they don't collide with.
Fixed culling with directional barrier and advanced barrier faces.
Fixed NeoForge seams fix hook not running on advanced barriers.
Fixed placement contexts being inconsistent with the barrier at hand.
Fixed barriers not turning invisible under certain circumstances when quick swapping items.
Fixed larger entities bugging on the corners of horizontal barriers.
You can’t perform that action at this time.