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MODAPTO Orchestrator

This project contain the source code of the MODAPTO Orchestrator and the deployment Docker of both Orchestrator and Service Catalog.

Live version is available at

Instructions to build and start the docker container:

  1. Build the image
sudo docker build --no-cache -t olive-msc .
  1. Run the container
mkdir ./msc-data
sudo docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v ${PWD}/msc-data/:/opt/msc-data/ --name olive-msc --restart always olive-msc
  1. Access the Orchestrator at

  2. Access the Service Catalog at

Useful commands

  • Stop the container
sudo docker stop olive-msc
  • Remove the container
sudo docker rm olive-msc
sudo docker ps -a
  • Remove the image
sudo docker rmi olive-msc
sudo docker images -a
  • Remove any stopped container and unreferenced image
sudo docker system prune -a
sudo docker image prune -a
  • Run the container shell for problem analysis
sudo docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v ${PWD}/msc-data/:/opt/msc-data/ --name olive-msc --rm olive-msc bash
/opt/ run&

nano /opt/msc-data/msc.log


  • If docker is running with parameter -v ${PWD}/msc-data/:/opt/msc-data/ the folder ${PWD}/msc-data/ must have write permission in the host (eg. if docker is running on Window OS and the folder is under C:\Program Files\ the docker run command will fail).
  • If docker is running with parameter -p 8080:8080 the port 8080 of the host must be available