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PARMIK is a fast and memory-efficient tool for identifying the "Partial Match" region between two genomic sequences.

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This repository contains the code for PArtial Read Matching with Inexpensive K-mers (PARMIK), a fast and memory-efficient tool for identifying the "Partial Match" region between sequencing reads (e.g., aligning a 150 bp query from a newly discovered genome against a 150 bp read from a metagenomic dataset,) where the boundaries of the query and read do not necessarily align, and the overlapping region can be small, including a notable number of matches and a few mismatches (i.e., substitutions and InDels.) PARMIK indexes the metagenomic dataset to a storage-efficient Inexpensive K-mer Index (IKI), excluding highly repetitive k-mers, to keep its memory footprint small. PARMIK supports gapped and local alignment and outputs a set of alignments in SAM format. To enhance alignment speed, PARMIK supports multi-threading. Check out our paper for more details.

Description of Image

Directory Structure

  • dataPrepare/: Contains scripts to extract contigs from read and query dataset files
  • scripts/: Contains scripts to evaluate experiment results
  • sraDownload/: Contains scripts to download SRA files
  • src/: Contains source code for the project


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your system, (section):

  • Ubuntu: All testing has been done on Ubuntu 22.04+ Operating System.
  • GCC: The GNU Compiler Collection, specifically g++9 which supports C++11 or later.
  • Make: The build utility to automate the compilation.
  • OpenMP: Support for parallel programming in C++.
  • Python3 for running the scripts

How to Compile

To compile, use:


To clean up all compiled files:

make clean

Download Datasets

To download datasets, we used SRA Toolkit (v3.0.7). Here is the command we used to download a metagenomic dataset (SRR12432009):

sratoolkit.3.0.7-ubuntu64/bin/fasterq-dump SRR12432009 -p --fasta --outdir <outputDir>

Replace <outputDir> with the path to your desired output directory.

How to run PARMIK

Here are some examples for how to use different PARMIK modes:

Create Index

To execute PARMIK in the indexing mode, you can execute a command like the following, replacing <> with your specific paths and values:

./parmik -a 0 -c <contig_size> -t <inexpensive_k-mer_threshold> -k <k-mer_size> -i <read_count> -x -r <metagenomic_read_database_address> -f <k-mer_index_address>

Run Alignment

To execute PARMIK in the alignment mode, you can execute a command like the following, replacing <> with your specific paths and values:

./parmik -a 1 -s <region_size> -c <contig_size> -m <min_exact_match_size> -t <inexpensive_k-mer_threshold> -k <k-mer_size> -d <percentage_identity> -i <read_count> -j <query_count> -x -r <metagenomic_read_database_address> -q <query_file_address> -f <k-mer_index_address> -o <output_directory> -p <penalty_file_address>

Run Baseline

To execute PARMIK in the baseline mode (brute force Smith-Waterman), you can execute a command like the following, replacing <> with your specific paths and values:

./parmik -a 3 -s <region_size> -c <contig_size> -t <inexpensive_k-mer_threshold> -k <k-mer_size> -d <percentage_identity> -i <read_count> -j <query_count> -r <metagenomic_read_database_address> -q <query_file_address> -o <output_directory> -p <penalty_file_address>


In order to compare PARMIK to

Other tools (BLAST, BWA):

To execute PARMIK in the compare mode, you can execute a command like the following, replacing <> with your specific paths and values:

./parmik -a 2 -l <other_tool_name> -s <region_size> -c <contig_size> -m <min_exact_match_size> -t <inexpensive_k-mer_threshold> -k <k-mer_size> -d <percentage_identity> -i <read_count> -j <query_count> -x -r <metagenomic_read_database_address> -q <query_file_address> -f <k-mer_index_address> -o <output_directory> -b <other_tool_alignment_file_address> -p <penalty_file_address>


To execute PARMIK in the compare baseline mode, you can execute a command like the following, replacing <> with your specific paths and values:

./parmik -a 4 -l <other_tool_name> -s <region_size> -c <contig_size> -m <min_exact_match_size> -t <inexpensive_k-mer_threshold> -k <k-mer_size> -d <percentage_identity> -i <read_count> -j <query_count> -x -r <metagenomic_read_database_address> -q <query_file_address> -f <k-mer_index_address> -o <output_directory> -b <other_tool_alignment_file_address> -p <penalty_file_address>

PARMIK parameters:

Below are the PARMIK's parameters in alphabetical order:

  • -a, --mode: PARMIK mode (required)
    • PARMIK operation mode. It can get these values:
  • -b, --toolFileAddress: Other Tool Alignment File Address (required for compare mode)
    • The address of the output of the other tool (BLAST, BWA, etc)
  • -c, --contigSize: Contig Size (default = 150)
    • Length of the contigs
  • -d, --percentageIdentity: Percentage Identity (default = 90%)
    • Minimum Percentage of Identity in the alignment
  • -e, --editDistance: Max Edit Distance (i/d/s) (default = 2)
    • Maximum edit distance (including Substitutions and InDels) allowed in the alignment
  • -f, --ikiAddress: Inexpensive K-mer Index Address (required)
    • The path to the Inexpensive K-mer Index (IKI)
  • -h, --help: Help
  • -i, --readCount: Number of Metagenomic Reads (default = 1)
    • Number of reads in the Metagenomic dataset
  • -j, --queryCount: Number of Queries (default = 1)
    • Number of queries in the Query dataset
  • -k, --kmerLen: K-mer Length (default = 16)
    • Length of the K-mer
  • -l, --otherTool: The Other Tool Name (required for compare mode)
    • Name of other tool (bwa, blast, etc)
  • -m, --minExactMatchLen: Minimum Exact Match Length (default = 0)
    • Min length of exact match required for alignment
    • M = (minExactMatchLen - K + 1)
  • -n, --kmerRangesFileAddress: K-mer Ranges File Address
    • K-mer ranges file address required for calculating the inexpensive k-mer threshold
  • -o, --outputDir: Output Directory (required for all modes except index mode)
    • Directory to dump the alignment results
  • -p, --penaltyFileAddress: Penalty File Address
    • The penalty score sets used for the alignment step
  • -q, --query: Query File Address (required)
    • Path to the query dataset file
  • -r, --read: Metageomic Read Data Base Address (required)
    • Path to the read metagenomic dataset file
  • -s, --regionSize: Region Size (default = 48)
    • Minimum size of the alignment
  • -t, --cheapKmerThreshold: Cheap (Inexpensive) k-mer Threshold (required)
    • -t 0: includes all k-mers in the IKI (Inexpensive K-mer Index).
  • -u, --isSecondChanceOff: Turn Second Chance Off
    • Turn off the second chance
    • This is a flag. When included, it disables the second chance mechanism (sets the flag to true).
  • -v, --verboseLog: Verbose Logging (default = false)
  • -w, --numThreads: Number of Threads (default = 1)
  • -x, --isIndexOffline: Is the read index offline
    • This is a flag. When included, it enables the write/read the IKI to/from storage.
    • If not included, PARMIK creates and use the IKI on the fly
  • -z, --baselineBaseAddress: BaseLine file base address (required for compare mode)
    • Base address of the baseline alignment outputs


To display help for general usage:

./parmik --help


Please cite the following paper if you find this repository useful.

@article {Baradaran2024.10.14.618242,
	author = {Baradaran, Morteza and Layer, Ryan M and Skadron, Kevin},
	title = {PARMIK: PArtial Read Matching with Inexpensive K-mers},
	elocation-id = {2024.10.14.618242},
	year = {2024},
	doi = {10.1101/2024.10.14.618242},
	publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
	abstract = {Environmental metagenomic sampling is instrumental in preparing for future pandemics by enabling early identification of potential pathogens and timely intervention strategies. Novel pathogens are a major concern, especially for zoonotic events. However, discovering novel pathogens often requires genome assembly, which remains a significant bottleneck. A robust metagenomic sampling that is directly searchable with new infection samples would give us a real-time understanding of outbreak origins dynamics. In this study, we propose PArtial Read Matching with Inexpensive K-mers (PARMIK), which is a search tool for efficiently identifying similar sequences from a patient sample (query) to a metagenomic sample (read). For example, at 90\% identity between a query and a read, PARMIK surpassed BLAST, providing up to 21\% higher recall. By filtering highly frequent k-mers, we reduced PARMIK{\textquoteright}s index size by over 50\%. Moreover, PARMIK identified longer alignments faster than BLAST, peaking at 1.57x, when parallelizing across 32 cores.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.},
	URL = {},
	eprint = {},
	journal = {bioRxiv}


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