Micro Frontend, One-Page Application example written in Dito
together with npm
(Tailwind CSS
and esbuild
) as
example of integration with other packages if necessary.
To create project based on this:
npx create-app-dito@latest
Then, in components
directory run:
npm install
and to start application (also in components
npm run dev # watchers
# or
npm run prod # just minify
Tested on Ubuntu 20/22
This is an example of usage of Dito
library in bigger scale then single landing page.
A showcase what can be done and proof of concept that it can be used for enterprise solutions. I will only explain the
basics in this demo, try to get it working yourself - there are no hidden dependencies, all used code is right here.
I'm assuming that you are not completely new to this if you are checking out complex solution for decentralized
But make sure to run
npm install
andnpm run dev
/npm run prod
, to have up-to-date environment
But to the point: What we are actually seeing here are two different websites:
- Components and Services provider -
folder (good place to setCDN
) - and Master website with actual UI -
This kind of setup allows us to separate our services into Micro Frontend - every one in different subdomain and completely separate from each other but still sharing the same code. Few example we could point our domain and subdomains like this:
- example.com -
- blog.example.com -
- shop.example.com -
- etc.
And reuse the exact same components (consistent UI across different websites) in all of them by setting
components.example.com pointing to components/
Just to reiterate this is not some revolutionizing idea, it was done already thousands of times - this is just proof
of concept that Dito
can achieve the same result as other libraries and build up from there.
For sticklers: The dependencies I used in this project are only available when developing application (
for css rules oresbuild
for minifying). The actual code you get is only usingDito
components. You could removenpm
, use not minified files, write all CSS rules by yourself, and it wouldn't matter for the script. They are added for convenience/performance and as an example that we don't have to inconvenience ourselves.
Every subapp
we have (so all the folders expect components
) contains starting file index.html
which requires
and something I like to call In Between Component
<master-in-between dito-show></master-in-between>
<script type="module" src="/media/script/dist/components.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
In Between Component (IBC)
works as an entry point for the application (main
if you want).
But before we go to IBC
you might want to check what component.min.js
has simple job - define app structure (subpages) and initialize the router and log user:
Router implements page visibility based on user roles but this demo doesn't contain user login system as they are based on what authentication solution you are using. But notice that there is a space in
for user data and roles.
<shared-router @i:navigation="navigation"></shared-router>
const { Master } = await Util.require('master/master.js');
class MasterInBetween extends Master {
async beforeFirstRender() {
this.$.navigation = {
'/': {
meta: {
title: 'Main Page',
description: 'Main page of this example',
keywords: 'dito,main,example',
component: 'master-main',
'/user': {
visibility: __id.permissions.loggedIn,
meta: {
title: 'User Panel',
description: 'Example of visibility use',
keywords: 'dito,user,visibility,example',
component: 'master-user',
export { MasterInBetween as default };
I recommend putting login script in
, as it's called before anything starts loading which means that user is logged in (or not) for 100% before rendering any components.
Check router.js
for more details how this works.
Router can accept variables in the
, so you could pass for example blog id:blog/1/show
) which can be accessed in Router.variables.
And that's it. Now router will automatically detect on which page it is and show appropriate component (for home page
) it would show master-main
and for /user
- master-user
) or error (master-404
or master-401
based on
I've also added shared-router-link
, so check it out if you want to see how to move between pages without reloading the
whole app.
I also implore you to checking how root.js
manages all shared and scoped components
and how each scope has
additional parent (master.js
and shared.js
) to achieve better control over default behaviour (e.g. to change it if