This is a Helm chart for deploying SpinKube on AKS
To create a new AKS cluster, you can use the following command:
az login --use-device-code
export RG=spinkube-demo
az group create --name $(echo $RG) --location eastus2
az aks create --name spinkube-azure-$(echo $RG) \
--resource-group $(echo $RG) \
--node-count 1 \
--tier free \
az aks get-credentials --resource-group $(echo $RG) --name spinkube-azure-$(echo $RG)
kubectl config current-context
helm install spinkube .
# wait for the pods to be ready
kubectl apply -f spin-operator.shim-executor.yaml
kubectl apply -f
and then check the status of the Spin App:
kubectl port-forward services/simple-spinapp 8080:80
curl http://localhost:8080/hello