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The sccache action can be used in GitHub Actions workflows to integrate sccache into the build process. The sccache action is a step in a workflow that can be used to cache compilation results for subsequent builds, reducing the build time and speeding up the overall development process.

sccache can easily use GitHub actions cache with almost no configuration.

This action is available on:


Just copy and paste the following in your GitHub action:

Use the latest version of sccache if no version is specified

- name: Run sccache-cache
  uses: mozilla-actions/[email protected]

Conditionally run cache and enable it

- name: Run sccache-cache only on non-release runs
  if: github.event_name != 'release' && github.event_name != 'workflow_dispatch'
  uses: mozilla-actions/[email protected]
- name: Set Rust caching env vars only on non-release runs
  if: github.event_name != 'release' && github.event_name != 'workflow_dispatch'
  run: |
    echo "RUSTC_WRAPPER=sccache" >> $GITHUB_ENV

Specify a given version of sccache

- name: Run sccache-cache
  uses: mozilla-actions/[email protected]
    version: "v0.7.4"

To get the execution stats

Note that using the previous declaration will automatically create a Post Run sccache-cache task.

- name: Run sccache stat for check
  shell: bash
  run: ${SCCACHE_PATH} --show-stats

disable stats report

- name: Run sccache-cache
  uses: mozilla-actions/sccache-action
    disable_annotations: true

Rust code

For Rust code, the following environment variables should be set:

      RUSTC_WRAPPER: "sccache"

C/C++ code

For C/C++ code, the following environment variables should be set:


With cmake, add the following argument:


With configure, call it with:

# With gcc
./configure CC="sccache gcc" CXX="sccache gcc"
# With clang
./configure CC="sccache clang" CXX="sccache clang"

Using on GitHub Enterprise Server (GHES)

When using the action on GitHub Enterprise Server installations a valid token must be provided.

- name: Run sccache-cache
  uses: mozilla-actions/[email protected]
    token: ${{ secrets.MY_GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Note that using is a better option than storing a fixed token in the repo secrets.

Prepare a new release

  1. Update the example in
  2. Update version in package.json
  3. Run npm i --package-lock-only
  4. Commit and push the local changes
  5. Tag a new release (vX.X.X)
  6. Create a new release in github


Apache-2.0 (just like sccache)