A project structure is design on flutter with the getX state management tool
Project Structure
└─── lib
└─── src
└─── controller
| base_controller.dart
| permissison_controller.dart
| ...
└─── core
└─── bindings
| app_binding.dart
└─── extensions
| find_or_put_extension.dart
└─── theme
| app_theme.dart
| colors.style.dart
| fonts.style.dart
| texts.style.dart
└─── utilities
└─── models
└─── routes
| app_pages.dart
| app_routes.dart
└─── services
| app_exceptions.dart
| base_client.dart
| permission_service.dart
| ...
└─── views
└─── homeScreen
└─── splashScreen
└─── ...
│ main.dart
│ config.dart
│ ...
How to use this biolerplate
- Fork the repository "flutter_boiler_plate_with_getx".
- Create a new repository
- Under "Repository template" used your fork "flutter_boiler_plate_with_getx" repository as a template
- Fill the below field and create repository
- Clone your repository and change package name.
- Change the package name under the pubspec.yaml and all the pages which import file with package name and under AndroidManifest file.
- You are ready to start development.