My Computer Graphics' project. In this I used OpenGL 3.3. There is a star and an exo-planet. There is a UFO to travel around the solar system. When the UFO comes close to the planet, the planet’s gravity pulls it and UFO attaches with the planet, then you can launch sattelite. After using sattelite you can observe the planet's surface.
- Up, Down, Left, Right, R_shift, R_Ctrl : UFO Movement
- 0 : Satellite launch
- I, J, K, L : Satellite movement
- BACKSPACE : Deep Inspection
- P, M : Spot Light on/off
- N, B : Directional Light on/off
- 1, 2 : Ambient on/off
- 3, 4 : Diffuse on/off
- 5, 6 : Specular on/off
- W, S, A, D : Camera movement
Install Visual Studio. Clone this repo. Edit the include and library with your own path, replace the glad.c file with your own. Then simply run.