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Protein ribbon plots implemented in Julia using Makie


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ProtPlot is a Julia package for rendering 3D protein ribbon and other miscellaneous protein-related plots using Makie.jl.


Ribbon plots are constructed from vectors of protein backbones represented as 3x3xL arrays. For convenience, argument conversion methods are defined, and the ribbon constructors can take:

  • a 3x3xL array of residue backbone atom coordinates (N, Ca, C), or a vector of these for each chain.
  • a BioStructures.MolecularStructure or BioStructures.Chain.
  • a PDB file path.
using GLMakie # use the GLMakie backend
using ProtPlot

# Create and display a ribbon plot in an interactive window
ribbon_scene("test/data/1ASS.pdb", backgroundcolor=:black, colormap=:jet)

plain gradient

Customizing colors

Use the colors keyword argument to customize colors at the residue level. This argument should be a vector of vectors, where each vector contains either:

  • values between 0 and 1, representing the colors of each residue in their respective chains according to the colormap.
  • a list of Colorants, one per residue. For example, RGBA(1, 0, 0, 0.5) for a 50% transparent red. Load the ColorTypes or Colors package to create such Colorants.
# Load protein data from a PDB file
chains = readpdb("test/data/1ASS.pdb")

colors = rand.(length.(chains))

ribbon_scene(chains, colors=colors, colormap=:hsv)

random colors

Camera controls

Makie allows programmatic control over the camera. Use the camcontrols keyword to control the initial view in a ribbon_scene call:

ribbon_scene("test/data/1ASS.pdb", camcontrols=(; lookat=Vec3f(30, 0, 60), eyeposition=Vec3f(160, -75, 0), upvector=Vec3f(0, 0, 1)))


See also