foundryvtt-dishonored is a community contributed and maintained system for playing the Dishonored RPG with the Foundry VTT virtual tabletop software produced with the explicit consent of Modiphius Entertainment.
All copyright assets included in the system are used with the explicit consent of Modiphius Entertainment. The foundryvtt-dishonored developer community holds no claim to these underlying copyrighted assets.
If you would like to contribute to this system, please see the project wiki for ways in which you can do so.
- Paul "Muttley" Maskelyne (developer)
- カイト・リ95 (original developer)
- LucifurMacomb (original design)
- Regik (Spanish translation)
- Atropos, of course, for creating the amazing Foundry VTT solution. If you are on the fence, get it. No other application exists that makes this possible!.
- Modiphius & Arkane for creating a very interesting, unique system for creating a player driven story and for giving permission for this system to be created. Please consider purchasing the Dishonored RPG!
- Lorc for Move, Study, Survive, Talk, Tinker/Enginnering, Archery, Brawling, Concentrate, Counsel, Explosives, Firearms, History, Locks, Natural Philosophy, Poison, Resolve, Stealth, Theology and Tracking Icons. They can be found at and their personal blog.
- Delapouite for Boats, Carriages, Deceive, Etiquette, Fencing, Freerunning, Innuendo, Intimidate, Medicine, Negotiate, Persuade, Resilience, Ride, Society, Streetwise, Swimming and Wilderness Icons. They can be found at and their personal website.
- Skoll for Fight and Surgery Icons. Can be found at
- DarkZaitzev for Acrobatics Icon. Can be found at and Deviant Art.
- Pierre Leducq for Ships Icon. Can be found at
- angrytramp for developing a shared Momentum pool.
- mkscho63 for sharing their code changes. They make the Star Trek Adventures 2d20 system which was built from the bones of Dishonored!