Bay Area real estate prices have been experiencing rapid appreciation since 2012. Over the last decade, median property values have more than doubled, and some areas of the Bay Area have seen prices triple! This trend poses challenges for potential homebuyers as escalating prices mean getting less home for your dollar or having to increase your budget. Additionally, there's a concern about buying at the peak of the market.
This project aims to analyze a dataset containing over 7,000 active listings from June 2019 in the Bay Area. The dataset includes various factors influencing home prices across the region, such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, home size, lot size, school quality, and commute times. The goal is to gain insights into the factors driving house prices and to build predictive models to estimate property values.
The dataset comprises the following features:
- Address: The address of the house
- City: The city the house is located in
- State: California (Bay Area)
- Zip: Postal zip code
- Price: Listing price of the house
- Beds: Number of bedrooms
- Baths: Number of bathrooms
- Home Size: Square footage of the house
- Lot Size: Square footage of the lot
- Latitude: Latitude coordinate
- Longitude: Longitude coordinate
- SF time: Commute time by car at 8 AM to San Francisco
- PA time: Commute time by car at 8 AM to commute to Palo Alto
- School Score: Quality of schools in the neighborhood
- Commute Time: Commute time by car at 8 AM to the general Bay Area
The dataset was sourced from Michael Boles.