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GlobeControls limit Frustum with horizon for performance (#483)
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* GlobeControls limit Frustum with horizon

* add custom Frustum

* fix obb intersectsFrustum false positive

* revert mistake change

* fix obb planes

* document new ellippsoid methods

* make obb more readable

* Ellipsoid fix getPositionElevation

* add comment to explain horizon edge cases

* clean PR

* Small style changes


Co-authored-by: Garrett Johnson <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
AlaricBaraou and gkjohnson authored Feb 19, 2024
1 parent 5d15614 commit f46d417
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Showing 7 changed files with 210 additions and 12 deletions.
14 changes: 9 additions & 5 deletions example/googleMapsExample.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -146,25 +146,29 @@ function updateHash() { *= MathUtils.RAD2DEG;
res.lon *= MathUtils.RAD2DEG;
window.history.replaceState( undefined, undefined, `#${ 4 ) },${ res.lon.toFixed( 4 ) }` );

const elevation = WGS84_ELLIPSOID.getPositionElevation( vec );

window.history.replaceState( undefined, undefined, `#${ 4 ) },${ res.lon.toFixed( 4 ) },${ elevation.toFixed( 4 ) }` );


function initFromHash() {

const hash = window.location.hash.replace( /^#/, '' );
const tokens = hash.split( /,/g ).map( t => parseFloat( t ) );
if ( tokens.length !== 2 || tokens.findIndex( t => Number.isNaN( t ) ) !== - 1 ) {
if ( tokens.length < 3 || tokens.findIndex( t => Number.isNaN( t ) ) !== - 1 ) {



const [ lat, lon ] = tokens;
WGS84_ELLIPSOID.getCartographicToPosition( lat * MathUtils.DEG2RAD, lon * MathUtils.DEG2RAD, 0, camera.position );
//todo it looks like we can't init under a certain height, I assume it has something to do with the first tile loaded and collision
const [ lat, lon, height ] = tokens;
WGS84_ELLIPSOID.getCartographicToPosition( lat * MathUtils.DEG2RAD, lon * MathUtils.DEG2RAD, height, camera.position );;
camera.position.applyMatrix4( ).multiplyScalar( 2 );
camera.position.applyMatrix4( );
camera.lookAt( 0, 0, 0 );

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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/three/TilesRenderer.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import {
import { raycastTraverse, raycastTraverseFirstHit } from './raycastTraverse.js';
import { readMagicBytes } from '../utilities/readMagicBytes.js';
import { TileBoundingVolume } from './math/TileBoundingVolume.js';
import { ExtendedFrustum } from './math/ExtendedFrustum.js';

const tempMat = new Matrix4();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -369,7 +370,7 @@ export class TilesRenderer extends TilesRendererBase {

cameraInfo.push( {

frustum: new Frustum(),
frustum: new ExtendedFrustum(),
isOrthographic: false,
sseDenominator: - 1, // used if isOrthographic:false
position: new Vector3(),
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17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion src/three/controls/GlobeControls.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { makeRotateAroundPoint } from './utils.js';

const _invMatrix = new Matrix4();
const _rotMatrix = new Matrix4();
const _pos = new Vector3();
const _vec = new Vector3();
const _center = new Vector3();
const _up = new Vector3();
Expand All @@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ const _right = new Vector3();
const _targetRight = new Vector3();
const _globalUp = new Vector3();
const _quaternion = new Quaternion();
const _latLon = {};

const _pointer = new Vector2();
const _prevPointer = new Vector2();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,7 +154,20 @@ export class GlobeControls extends EnvironmentControls {
// update the projection matrix
const largestDistance = Math.max( ...ellipsoid.radius );
camera.near = Math.max( 1, distanceToCenter - largestDistance * 1.25 );
camera.far = distanceToCenter + largestDistance + 0.1;

// update the far plane to the horizon distance
const invMatrix = _invMatrix.copy( tilesGroup.matrixWorld ).invert();
_pos.copy( camera.position ).applyMatrix4( invMatrix );
ellipsoid.getPositionToCartographic( _pos, _latLon );
const elevation = ellipsoid.getPositionElevation( _pos );

// due to the level of precision of the tiles / sphere
// we can get an elevation that will be higher than the actual elevation.
// when we end up below the surface of the ellipsoid the elevation is returned as positive instead of negative
// resulting in a horizon distance that is too large.
const horizonDistance = ellipsoid.calculateHorizonDistance(, elevation );
camera.far = horizonDistance + 0.1;


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43 changes: 39 additions & 4 deletions src/three/math/Ellipsoid.js
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { Vector3, Spherical } from 'three';
import { Vector3, Spherical, MathUtils } from 'three';
import { swapToGeoFrame, latitudeToSphericalPhi } from './GeoUtils.js';

const _spherical = new Spherical();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,9 +183,9 @@ export class Ellipsoid {
// "denominator" here refers to the use of this expression in the velocity and acceleration
// computations in the sections to follow.
denominator =
x2 * xMultiplier3 * invRadiusSqX +
y2 * yMultiplier3 * invRadiusSqY +
z2 * zMultiplier3 * invRadiusSqZ;
x2 * xMultiplier3 * invRadiusSqX +
y2 * yMultiplier3 * invRadiusSqY +
z2 * zMultiplier3 * invRadiusSqZ;

const derivative = - 2.0 * denominator;
correction = func / derivative;
Expand All @@ -200,4 +200,39 @@ export class Ellipsoid {


calculateHorizonDistance( latitude, elevation ) {

// from
// OG = sqrt ( 2 R h + h2 ) .
const effectiveRadius = this.calculateEffectiveRadius( latitude );
return Math.sqrt( 2 * effectiveRadius * elevation + elevation ** 2 );


calculateEffectiveRadius( latitude ) {

// This radius represents the distance from the center of the ellipsoid to the surface along the normal at the given latitude.
// from
// N = a / sqrt(1 - e^2 * sin^2(phi))
const semiMajorAxis = this.radius.x;
const semiMinorAxis = this.radius.z;
const eSquared = 1 - ( semiMinorAxis ** 2 / semiMajorAxis ** 2 );
const phi = latitude * MathUtils.DEG2RAD;

const sinPhiSquared = Math.sin( phi ) ** 2;
const N = semiMajorAxis / Math.sqrt( 1 - eSquared * sinPhiSquared );
return N;


getPositionElevation( pos ) {

this.getPositionToSurfacePoint( pos, _vec3 );

const elevation = _vec3.distanceTo( pos );

return elevation;


65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions src/three/math/ExtendedFrustum.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
import { Frustum, Matrix3, Vector3 } from 'three';

const _mat3 = new Matrix3();

// Solve a system of equations to find the point where the three planes intersect
function findIntersectionPoint( plane1, plane2, plane3, target ) {

// Create the matrix A using the normals of the planes as rows
const A = _mat3.set(
plane1.normal.x, plane1.normal.y, plane1.normal.z,
plane2.normal.x, plane2.normal.y, plane2.normal.z,
plane3.normal.x, plane3.normal.y, plane3.normal.z

// Create the vector B using the constants of the planes
target.set( - plane1.constant, - plane2.constant, - plane3.constant );

// Solve for X by applying the inverse matrix to B
target.applyMatrix3( A.invert() );

return target;


class ExtendedFrustum extends Frustum {

constructor() {

this.points = Array( 8 ).fill().map( () => new Vector3() );


setFromProjectionMatrix( m, coordinateSystem ) {

super.setFromProjectionMatrix( m, coordinateSystem );


calculateFrustumPoints() {

const { planes, points } = this;
const planeIntersections = [
[ planes[ 0 ], planes[ 3 ], planes[ 4 ] ], // Near top left
[ planes[ 1 ], planes[ 3 ], planes[ 4 ] ], // Near top right
[ planes[ 0 ], planes[ 2 ], planes[ 4 ] ], // Near bottom left
[ planes[ 1 ], planes[ 2 ], planes[ 4 ] ], // Near bottom right
[ planes[ 0 ], planes[ 3 ], planes[ 5 ] ], // Far top left
[ planes[ 1 ], planes[ 3 ], planes[ 5 ] ], // Far top right
[ planes[ 0 ], planes[ 2 ], planes[ 5 ] ], // Far bottom left
[ planes[ 1 ], planes[ 2 ], planes[ 5 ] ], // Far bottom right

planeIntersections.forEach( ( planes, index ) => {

findIntersectionPoint( planes[ 0 ], planes[ 1 ], planes[ 2 ], points[ index ] );

} );



export { ExtendedFrustum };
49 changes: 48 additions & 1 deletion src/three/math/OBB.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
import { Matrix4, Box3, Vector3 } from 'three';
import { Matrix4, Box3, Vector3, Plane } from 'three';

const _worldMin = new Vector3();
const _worldMax = new Vector3();
const _norm = new Vector3();

export class OBB {

Expand All @@ -8,6 +12,7 @@ export class OBB {
this.transform = transform.clone();
this.inverseTransform = new Matrix4();
this.points = new Array( 8 ).fill().map( () => new Vector3() );
this.planes = new Array( 6 ).fill().map( () => new Plane() );


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,6 +42,27 @@ export class OBB {




updatePlanes() {

_worldMin.copy( ).applyMatrix4( this.transform );
_worldMax.copy( ).applyMatrix4( this.transform );

_norm.set( 0, 0, 1 ).transformDirection( this.transform );
this.planes[ 0 ].setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint( _norm, _worldMin );
this.planes[ 1 ].setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint( _norm, _worldMax ).negate();

_norm.set( 0, 1, 0 ).transformDirection( this.transform );
this.planes[ 2 ].setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint( _norm, _worldMin );
this.planes[ 3 ].setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint( _norm, _worldMax ).negate();

_norm.set( 1, 0, 0 ).transformDirection( this.transform );
this.planes[ 4 ].setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint( _norm, _worldMin );
this.planes[ 5 ].setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint( _norm, _worldMax ).negate();


// based on three.js' Box3 "intersects frustum" function
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,6 +90,27 @@ export class OBB {


// do the opposite check using the obb planes to avoid false positives
for ( let i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {

const plane = this.planes[ i ];
let maxDistance = - Infinity;
for ( let j = 0; j < 8; j ++ ) {

const v = frustum.points[ j ];
const dist = plane.distanceToPoint( v );
maxDistance = maxDistance < dist ? dist : maxDistance;


if ( maxDistance < 0 ) {

return false;



return true;

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31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions test/Ellipsoid.test.js
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Expand Up @@ -178,6 +178,37 @@ describe( 'Ellipsoid', () => {

} );

it( 'should match the expected elevation.', () => {

//ellipsoid rotation
const northPos = new Vector3( 0, 0, WGS84_HEIGHT );
expect( wgsEllipse.getPositionElevation( northPos ) ).toBeCloseTo( 0, 1e-6 );
const southPos = new Vector3( 0, 0, - WGS84_HEIGHT );
expect( wgsEllipse.getPositionElevation( southPos ) ).toBeCloseTo( 0, 1e-6 );
const xPos = new Vector3( WGS84_RADIUS, 0, 0 );
expect( wgsEllipse.getPositionElevation( xPos ) ).toBeCloseTo( 0, 1e-6 );
const mxPos = new Vector3( - WGS84_RADIUS, 0, 0 );
expect( wgsEllipse.getPositionElevation( mxPos ) ).toBeCloseTo( 0, 1e-6 );
const zPos = new Vector3( 0, WGS84_RADIUS, 0 );
expect( wgsEllipse.getPositionElevation( zPos ) ).toBeCloseTo( 0, 1e-6 );
const mzPos = new Vector3( 0, - WGS84_RADIUS, 0 );
expect( wgsEllipse.getPositionElevation( mzPos ) ).toBeCloseTo( 0, 1e-6 );

const northPos100 = new Vector3( 0, 0, WGS84_HEIGHT + 100 );
expect( wgsEllipse.getPositionElevation( northPos100 ) ).toBeCloseTo( 100, 1e-6 );
const southPos100 = new Vector3( 0, 0, - WGS84_HEIGHT + 100 );
expect( wgsEllipse.getPositionElevation( southPos100 ) ).toBeCloseTo( 100, 1e-6 );
const xPos100 = new Vector3( WGS84_RADIUS + 100, 0, 0 );
expect( wgsEllipse.getPositionElevation( xPos100 ) ).toBeCloseTo( 100, 1e-6 );
const mxPos100 = new Vector3( - WGS84_RADIUS + 100, 0, 0 );
expect( wgsEllipse.getPositionElevation( mxPos100 ) ).toBeCloseTo( 100, 1e-6 );
const zPos100 = new Vector3( 0, WGS84_RADIUS + 100, 0 );
expect( wgsEllipse.getPositionElevation( zPos100 ) ).toBeCloseTo( 100, 1e-6 );
const mzPos100 = new Vector3( 0, - WGS84_RADIUS + 100, 0 );
expect( wgsEllipse.getPositionElevation( mzPos100 ) ).toBeCloseTo( 100, 1e-6 );

} );

} );

describe( 'EllipsoidRegion', () => {
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